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This letter is in reference to Hisham Zulkifli's letter entitled The reason for being published in The Star on Jan 7.

In the letter, he uses the 'nature vs nurture' argument, backed-up with a smattering of religious judgements and pseudo-science reasoning to accuse gays of being delusional. He also advocates for gays to be 'treated' of this delusion.

Citing dubious sources, he argues that gays are delusional and says that there is no biological basis for homosexuality.

In the final paragraph, he acknowledges that his homophobic views may have implications for violence against people who do not identify as straight (heterosexuals). As if to solve the problem, he advocates for such people to be treated of this disease.

I find his smug attitude in conferring judgement upon and denouncing people like me deplorable. Such a letter can only nurture hate and ignorance in people who do not understand what it is to be gay.

I question too The Star's choice in publishing such a letter that can only nurture hate and fear against this minority group of people who are already being socially and legally persecuted. In the issue of race, our media has a responsibility to curb letters that are blatantly racist and have implications on racial harmony.

But when it comes to homophobia, there is no sense of responsibility to protect this minority group.

Let me get to the crux of the matter. First of all, the argument of whether a human behaviour is 'natural' or not is arcane and pointless. Why we are what we are is the interaction of both genes and environment. Raise a child completely devoid of human contact and see if it knows how to be a heterosexual, or human, for that matter.

If someone can say there is no 'gay gene' to support his agenda, then I can also point out twin studies that show if one twin is gay, there is a higher probability of the other twin being gay, even if they were raised apart. I can also point out primate studies that show a certain proportion of individuals consistently seek out mates of the same gender.

One can go on pointing to study after study that supports one's agenda or 'twist' science to support one's hatred. The racism of the Nazis was based on the 'science' of eugenics, the basis of which was their theory of evolution where it was believed the African blacks were at the bottom of the rung and the white 'Aryan' race at the apex.

To create a superior society, they sought to purge all 'social ills' as well as all 'inferior' races. That included blacks, Jews, prostitutes and homosexuals. A whole scientific discourse, for example, craniology, was developed to support the racist interpretation of evolution and to justify the subjugation of a people.

Ultimately, the bottom line of what is 'natural' and what is 'unnatural' debate is fear. Fear drives one to separate 'us' (natural) from 'others' (unnatural). In racism, it is the 'morality' of separating the pure race from the impure races. In homophobia, it is the morality of separating/subjugating/curing the 'diseased' homosexuals in order to create the illusion of a 'natural' or 'pure' society.

In the politics of 'us' and 'them', while 'us' deserves love, respect, equality and fairness, the 'others' can be badly treated. They can be subjugated, violated, exploited or be cured of their madness or disease. 'Others' include undocumented migrants, the mentally unstable, prostitutes, people living with Aids, homosexuals, etc.

Racism, sexism, and homophobia work on the same principle. This is the 'science' of hatred that drives colonialism and imperialism. In its less violent ways, it disguises itself as 'compassion' (more like pity) in missionary work to convert the ignorant natives, and in psychotherapy to convert homosexuals.

Being gay used to be known as a psychiatric disorder but it has been understood for a long time now that that disorder sets in when the person is unable to accept himself/herself as a result of society's pressure for compulsory heterosexuality.

In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality as a psychiatric disorder.