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Hindraf never advocated hatred for others

I refer to the Malaysiakini report Q&A: I don't need sympathy, I need understanding .

I truly feel sorry for Syed Hamid Albar and all his Umno compatriots because of their inability to address any of the real problems within Malaysian society in imaginative and positive ways.

The way Syed Hamid is going about dealing with the current sticky issues, with endorsement (I am sure) from his peers within Umno, only serves to squander the future of all Malaysians - the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans, KadazanDusuns and all the rest that make up this country.

Of course, this view coming from me, someone who is totally opposed to the unjust and oppressive ways of the Umno-led government, will be summarily dismissed by Syed Hamid and his compatriots within Umno. But read on.

Let me quote Syed Hamid here: ‘Peace-loving members of the Indian community would not have an issue over the government’s ban on the Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf)…It is an extremist group. It advocates and propagates hatred, inciting feelings against certain segments of the community.

‘We have always lived peacefully and we have no problems but when you advocate hatred and (tell them that) the only enemies are the Malays or the only enemy is Islam...’

Here is what I have to say. I am a regular middle-class Malaysian and I presume one who can be more than safely called a peace-loving member of the Indian community. I, however, have a serious problem with the banning of Hindraf and with Syed Hamid’s wanton ways.

So, I ask who is Syed Hamid, or by whose authority does Syed Hamid say that we have no problems with the banning of Hindraf? We have a very serious problem. Hindraf at no time and never in any of its output advocated hatred against our Malay Muslim compatriots.

We live in Malaysia and that is a reality. We are a multiracial, multi-religious society. What Hindraf advocates is the need for a society that is based on equality, justice and fairness. But Umno, a party that has hijacked the nation for the interest of the few Umnoputeras cannot say Hindraf hates Umno’s ways.

So Syed Hamid must tell a big self-serving lie and say Hindraf advocates hatred and the ‘only enemies are the Malays or the only enemy is Islam...’ This is Umno policy altogether. They must always paint things in a racist way. They survive only on a steady fare of racism – their thinking goes that this is best way for them to keep power.

This is what Hindraf has a problem with. Hindraf has no problem with any one or anything else. So Hindraf lashes out at the injustices perpetrated by Umno and that is what Syed Hamid in his supreme wisdom blurts out as ‘advocating hatred’.

Of course, Syed Hamid wields power now. He can act arrogantly, he can talk arrogantly. But history is full of instances where the tables turned very rapidly. I do not think Umno will last till after the next elections with this kind of handling of issues. And forget the maxim that people have short memories – not this time, not any more.

No matter how hard Umno plays their race card, they are in a time warp. The people have gone beyond race-based insecurities. The benefits of a freer and fairer Malaysia far outweigh any benefits of an exclusive, distorted race-based system.

The positives are evident to all but the Umnoputera who cling on to power so they can hang onto their contracts.

I truly feel sorry for Syed Hamid and his Umno compatriots. In the meantime they continue to squander our future.