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Stray dogs, cats and crows tell a tale of Malaysian attitudes

Much has been written for and against these creatures - dogs, cats and crows that stray and crowd our Malaysian landscape.

If the authorities go on their rounds catching stray dogs, we cry at the atrocity. When authorities aim for the sky to bring down the crows that make of mess of the skyline, we also do not seem to take it kindly. Well at least for quite sometime the stray cats are still peacefully roaming street stalls and ‘mamak’ restaurant - thanks to the Malaysian Muslim compassion for these creatures.

Now we are even arguing about should children be taught about showing kindness to these stray dogs, cats and crowding crows.

But we do not seem to care about the ugly Malaysian attitude and value system that lurks behind this ever growing and unhealthy problem of stray animals and birds.

Why in the first place are there stray dogs? Or for the matter stray cats that are in almost every hawking and restaurant space? And of course, too, why the growing implosion of crows?

Our selfish attitude that comes packed with a sense of irresponsibility is the root of the stray menace that floods our nation.

We want to have the dogs but do not want to take personal ownership. Feeding them with left-overs seems to absolve our conscience. We can live with the problems associated with these free-roaming packs of dogs.

We have no problem in dumping one too many puppies on the street and hope that the occasional food we throw at them makes us fully kind hearted.

How about the cats? Oh no that is now a sensitive issue for many. Harm not the cats. But how about caring for the health and well-being of these creatures of God? In all likelihood the answer will be, “Oh I do not know whose cat it is, poor thing!”

And how on earth did the crows expand their population so fast? We should take a look at our attitudes again. See how we handle trash and litter. Therein lies the root cause of how we have carelessly and irresponsibly contributed to the crow implosion.

This nation will slowly gyrate towards becoming a population of people almost bankrupt of values and only to be swamped with problems of rabies and a host of illness associated with stray dogs, cats and crows.

Add to it the compounding element of rodent implosion. You do not have to be an expert and trained in spotting the rat menace everywhere - including the many areas we parade to the world as great holiday destinations, food paradise and shopping galore.

Even talking about this failing Malaysian attitude and value bankruptcy is boring and makes no news in the press. That is how indifferent we have become.

In short Malaysians really do not care any more. And that attitude is also reflected in our economics and politics. Think about it.