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Farish Noor's article is very timely 'Non-Muslims' right to speak on Islam'

(Jan 12). For a long time non-Muslims have to hold back their tongues on matters Islam that touched on the way non-Muslims study, eat, work, worship, etc.

Among them are, for example how non-Muslim state assemblymen have to hold their hands the way Muslims do when Muslim prayers are recited in the state assembly, the state Islamic authority decides whether you can build a church, etc.

If Islamic practices are imposed on non-Muslims, then non-Muslims must be allowed to state their opinion or objections.

In the Vision School of the future can non-Muslim students bring pork to school to consume during recess when the canteen is shared with Muslim students? If the answer is "no" then the non-Muslim community will come to the conclusion that the Vision School concept is designed to impose Muslim values on non-Muslims.

When a sick Muslim patient is examined by a non-Muslim doctor, is this allowed?

Muslims can practice the Islamic way of life if that's what they want, but if the rules, regulations and laws affect the way non-Muslims live and work, then non-Muslims must be allowed to comment on these matters.