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The High Court decision allowing the Herald to use the word ‘Allah’ in its Bahasa Malaysia edition was received with mixed reactions. The Christians hailed the judgment as a victory for justice and freedom of religious worship. On the other hand the reactions from Muslims seem to be divided.

Some acted with anger as they see it as an infringement on their rights and the status of Islam as the official religion. There are others, including prominent Muslim scholars and notably the Islamic party PAS, who did not see the judgment as going against the principles of Islam.

Despite strong pressure, PAS and many Muslim leaders from the opposition and some from the ruling party and many learned Muslim scholars have not wavered from their bold and uncompromising stand to uphold truth and justice. All peace-loving Malaysians salute them for their high level of tolerance, wisdom and maturity.

However, the episode as usual was quickly capitalised on by politicians for their own advantage so much so it was blown out of proportion to become an emotionally sensitive issue. The positive thing that came out of this was that it opened up a public debate on an issue that was not imaginable before. Thanks to the Internet and the maturity of the people of all races.

Unfortunately, minority extremists on both sides of the dispute are turning a simple issue into a major religious conflict. The moderate and peace-loving majority should stand firm and not to be influenced to react irrationally and be swayed by emotions.

Whether Muslims or Christians, we are all Malaysians and must display great maturity and wisdom to not allow anything to disrupt the peace and harmony in the country. This is our solemn duty to our nation which we must all uphold at all times, at all costs and under any circumstances.

In the first place, this dispute on the right to use ‘Allah’ should not have gone to the courts as such sensitive religious issues can never be solved there. It can only be solved by a dialogue in the spirit of brotherhood and goodwill as expounded by both Islam and Christianity.

The home minister should have invited the editor of Herald for a cordial discussion on the use of ‘Allah’ in its publication instead of arrogantly banning its use altogether with a stroke of the pen. It would have been an ideal opportunity to demonstrate the virtue of love for fellow men which are the basic principles of both great religions. Unfortunately, this was not done and we have the undesirable situation we are in now.

Now that the courts have decided, it is only proper for all parties to accept the verdict in good faith. The party that is not happy should go through the proper legal channels to redress the issue and not resort to street protests and threats to obtain their wish. This will be unconstitutional and an act of disrespect towards the courts.

The vast majority of Malaysians of all races are busy struggling to make ends meet at a time of great economic difficulties and they have no time for politicking or riots. They want a peaceful and harmonious environment to live and carry on their daily routines.

It is very sad and deeply disturbing and disappointing to see opportunistic politicians going all out to capitalise on this ‘Allah’ issue to the maximum. They resort to all sorts of racist tactics to gain support and are the least bothered about the consequences that their actions might have on the security of the nation.

This is not the time to blame one another for the ‘Allah controversy’ and the tense situation that it is leading to. It has to be stopped immediately by the fair and firm actions of the police and the government to prevent it from escalating further, exploited by irresponsible and extremist elements on both sides.

It is time for a lasting and amicable solution to this dispute and all inter-faith disputes once and all. This can only be achieved by engagement and consultation in the form of inter-faith dialogues and not the courts which can only grant temporary solutions to such disputes.

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has called on all parties to be calm and he has promised to settle the problem amicably in a peaceful manner. This is an opportunity for him to demonstrate that he can do that impartially in keeping with his ‘1Malaysia’ policy.

Inter-faith dialogues, especially between Muslims and Christians, are being emphasised at international levels since the Sept 11 attacks of 2001. Malaysia, being a multiracial and multi- religion country, should take the lead for such inter-faith dialogues in our own country.

It is an opportunity to show the world how we can promote peace and harmony among the various races and religions by getting rid of our suspicions and hatred for one another through engagement and dialogue.

Let us show the world that we can live together peacefully as children of the one true God, whatever name we choose to call Him. Let Him be the uniting, not dividing factor.