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Muslims should not fear others using the word 'Allah'

Muslims should not fear the use by followers of other religions of the word 'Allah’ . If there is any fear then it is their duty to educate their families and community on what 'Allah’ really means to them.

Even this does not necessarily imply that every Malaysian Muslim would understand it perfectly.

The main unique attribute of 'Allah’ in Islam is that of its ‘oneness' - ‘Yang Maha Esa’.This comes from the Koranic terminology ahad .This is not a simple ‘satu’ or ‘one’ as even in English it is rendered as ‘one and only’.

Most Koran translators would add a footnote to this Koranic attribute of 'Allah’ , with an explanation that neither, 'Allah’ nor ahad have any equivalent words in any other language other then Arabic.

This is simply because Islam subscribes to absolute monotheism hence their perception of 'Allah’ " is that of a transcendent being beyond the confines of time and space.

It is following this that in Islam 'Allah’ cannot be associated with any image or for that matter anything at all.

Notwithstanding this however even in the AL-Koran 'Allah’ is described as residing on the throne, the arash .

This transcendence and imminence of the divine names and attributes ( tanzih and tasbeh ) is an aspect of divine compassion and mercy. Religion is not and should not be the preserve of philosophers, metaphysicians and theologians alone.

Indeed it is the right of every living soul. Where man fails to ascend to 'Allah’ then 'Allah’ in his divine compassion and mercy would descend to man.

According to a tradition the caliph Omar Al-Khatab once gave a thigh slap to the celebrated narrator of Hadiths, Abu Hurairah when he tried to elaborate on the existence of 'Allah’ to an old lady when she pointed to the sky as where 'Allah’ resides.

According to caliph Omar it was enough for the old lady to understand that 'Allah’ is in the heavens. To explain more than that would only confuse her.

Based on the above I maintain that the responsibility of maintaining the correct understanding of 'Allah’ rests squarely on the shoulders of Muslims themselves and they need not quarrel with others as to either who 'Allah’ or his other attributes.

May 'Allah’ forgive me for this indulgence? In the final analysis He is beyond us all and knows best. May He in His glory and compassion forgive us all.

Amen. Let others also have access to 'Allah’ as it is the right of every soul.