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Price hikes the people's fault, not the gov't's

Once again, petrol and sugar prices have increased, and the people have started voicing their dissatisfaction.

The government advises us to change our lifestyles to suit the price hikes of our necessities, yet government officials continue to live the high life.

The government continues to moot building the new palace at an escalated price tag, build the 100-storey Warisan Merdeka tower, and so on, while at the same time the disgruntled voices of the people continue to be ignored.

But in my opinion, we are paying the price for the votes that we cast. It’s either we live with these niggling adjustments or we vote the present government out of Putrajaya.

It has been said that Pakatan Rakyat has not proven themselves either, but now it is a question of whether we would like to give the Pakatan a chance to govern or continue casting our votes for a government that makes our lives tougher by the day.

Abstaining from voting the government out is equivalent to voting them into the leadership again.

And we shouldn’t stop with our votes alone; the word needs to be spread around among relatives and friends, so that they could do the same.

If we are unable to so, we only have ourselves to blame the next time another price hike comes around.