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After viewing the talkshow programme hosted by TV3 programme Wanita Hari Ini titled ‘ Pondan Ancaman Wanita ’ (Pondans a threat to womnen) on October 4, I was utterly disgusted in the way the station has portrayed women and transsexuals in Malaysia.

Not only has the programme stereotyped women as only working as makeup artists or wedding planners, but also suggested that women are weak and whiny when faced with the competitive working industry. In attempt to raise viewer ratings, I felt TV3 has chosen a topic that is unethical and unnecessary. It does not educate but rather ridicule the public.  

It is very unprofessional for the hosts themselves to be not educated in the area of discussion before the show. For example, by combining both the terms ‘pondan’ and ‘maknyah’, they confuse everyone about the issue and incite hate towards the prejudiced.

‘Pondan’ refers to derogatorily to effeminate men. Whereas ‘maknyah’ refers to transsexuals, who are males who desire to be totally female, usually undergoing surgery to alter the body.

A point that was brought forward in the show was, ‘women are threatened because the pondans are monopolising the makeup industry’. This is wrong, as culinary arts, makeup and hairstyling industries are dominated by men. Masculine men in fact.

The title instead should perhaps have been ‘Lelaki Ancaman Wanita’, because these men are doing what used to be thought as women's jobs. We have come a long way to recognise that women no longer are subjected to careers in beauty only, but also are very capable in previously male-dominated careers like the police force, entrepreneurship, civil engineering etc.

Equal career opportunities are a given and the best person gets the job, there is no grounds for women to complain that their work is being taken from them. This violates the Malaysian constitution that guarantees equality and non-discrimination on the basis of gender.  

I am also appalled that pondan/maknyah are also accused of "stealing" husbands from women. Blaming others for the unfaithfulness of one’s husband is very childish and illogical. Happiness and trust between man and wife requires more than just sex and food; there is so much more to marriage.

Both sides should seek family counsellors when faced with cheating, instead of putting the blame on some innocent group of persons. It is the husband who is cheating, not the transsexual, and so she does not deserve to be held responsible for the men's actions.  

Pondans/maknyahs were then further insulted by being accused of backstabbing their closest girl friends in order to achieve better careers, or of having affairs with their husbands. Such baseless accusation are tasteless and should not appear on national television. A statement like this without factual support is considered serious defamation and blatant discrimination against the pondan/maknyah community.  

Equally inappropriate was the panel for discussion comprising Fatin Sarjat, a university student, Dr Edward Chan, a psychologist, and Azwan Ali, who is a crossdresser.  

I have checked with the Malaysian Society of Clinical Psychology (MSCP), that Edward Chan is not a registered clinical psychologist of the association, and further investigation suggests that his views are not to be taken as a reference for the issue discussed.  

I also wonder if Azwan Ali, a crossdresser who is essentially a flamboyant male, is an appropriate representative the maknyah community. It seems he was having fun being flamboyant on the show, adorned with large golden rings and bracelets.  

Fatin Sarjat is included I believe for the views from the younger generation, but I think it is not fair for her to weigh in on the issue of religion, commenting on how being a pondan is wrong according to the Quran, when she herself seems to be far from a model example for her religion, with her hair uncovered and dyed golden, dressed in tight clothes.

All citizens of Malaysia are protected under the federal constitution and Defamation Act 1957. Under no circumstances should any discrimination or defamation be broadcast to incite hate towards other Malaysians, regardless of gender.

I believe it's necessary that TV3 release a public apology for the slanderous broadcast.