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PAS, cowardly reformists and minority backstabbers

Caught between majority coward reformists and determined minority backstabbers - this is the dilemma faced by PAS.

Majority of the members want change. They want PAS to be more Malaysian.

They wish to see PAS to be mainstream.

They also elected a majority of leaders who are reform and change minded.

Unfortunately, hiding behind the mask of religion and the ulama badge there exists a minority hanging on to it's last breath.

The saying "wounded tiger" rings true for this minority.

They have lost every legitimacy or justification to determine the direction, save for their ability to understand religion.

It so also happens the president is part of this minority.

They know they are fighting for their own survival.

They are the sidelines of society.

If it weren't for PAS, no one in society would take them seriously.

They belong to the fringe of society and are closer to the working class rather than the ruling elite.

PAS is the only shot they have to aim at being among the elites.

Using religious edicts and sentiments they scare the PAS rank and file into supporting their agenda and themselves.

Painting a picture of eternal damnation upon those who resist them, they are able to cow the PAS rank and file into supporting them.

On the other hand the majority among the PAS rank and file are plagued with cowardly leaders.

The so-called reformists are very much afraid even to raise an eyebrow against the president for fear of being labelled as heretics and disbelievers.

Even the great (Shah Alam MP) Khalid Samad could've done more, but submits to the general feeling of cowardice. In the end, the PAS president is supreme no matter what he does because he is a man of God.

In a healthy political party, a president who goes against the decision of the central committee would not last more than a month.

But in PAS, the president acts as if nothing has happened. Thanks to the cowardice of the majority the president of PAS is enjoying life backstabbing everybody in Malaysia and making plans to form a government with Umno.

Until the reformists can overcome this mental block and put their total faith in Allah then no change will happen in PAS.

This will eventually lead to the breakup of Pakatan Rakyat, the destruction of opposition resistance, the abolishment of any hope of significant change in Malaysia and not to mention the resurrection of Umno's dominance.

After all, the president of PAS is more Umno than Islamic, nowadays. The days of labelling Umno as kafirs are long over. Now, Umno is the saviour of the Malays and Malay dominance.

I guess no matter how Islamic a Malay tries to be, in the end he will always end up being a Malay. And the mark of a good Malay is obedience and cowardice.

So long, Malaysia. Tulang Besi has lost hope of any significant change happening in Malaysia.

The end of the road would be Malaysia's total collapse, just like Indonesia and decades of endless sufferings that follow.

I am just looking for an opportunity to migrate to another country.