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I wish to comment on the letter No freedom of religion for Muslims by Seeking The Truth.

It must be understood first of all, that we do not live in a vacuum. Some say there are legitimate reasons why Muslims are not allowed total freedom of religion, although this rule may sometimes be abused.

The government claims that the colonialists may attempt to make a comeback using the tried and tested formula of 'divide and rule'. This is not stale history. It is still happening in Afghanistan.

Thus the desire not to allow Muslims to divide in Malaysia is to prevent foreign interference in the country. Also, if Muslims in Malaysia were allowed freedom to renounce Islam as they please, the Syariah Court would lose its jurisdiction over all matters including inheritance laws and matters pertaining to child custody.

If Syariah law is favourable to them, people will convert to Islam. If, on the other hand, Syariah law is unfavourable to them, then they will renounce Islam. Can you imagine the chaos and confusion this will lead to besides making a mockery of the religion?

Basically, it is a matter of administration. Sadly, this can sometimes be abused. An example is the banning of the al-Arqam movement on the basis that it was stirring Muslim disunity - although the real reason may have been that the leaders of al-Arqam wanted to enter politics thereby threatening the careers of certain Umno individuals.

One should understand the logic behind why Muslims lack freedom. But we must also point out when this logic is abused.