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As I recall, Dr G Walter has previously acknowledged here that he is what he is today, an East Malaysian who has reached the pinnacle of success on account of his privileged bumiputera status.

As a contented beneficiary of the race discriminatory system, the good doctor clearly sees nothing wrong with it. He is entitled to his at best, debatable opinion.

However, readers could be forgiven for thinking that for a learned doctor, Walter's understanding of the complexities and traumas involved in the emigration process is unbelievably blinkered.

Neither does he seem to understand that the outflow of skilled citizens that are welcomed by developed countries can only lead to the dumbing down of the mother country as a whole, now and in the future.

As one does not have to be a rocket scientist to work out that this brain-drain is as insidious as say, global warming, the question that needs to be asked is why is the good doctor not doing anything positive to stop the flow.

Sad as it is, it is of course far more politically expedient to tar all emigrants with the same brush and denigrate them as traitors and selfish citizens that Malaysia can best do without.