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Following the current debate on the conduct of Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (Jawi) officers during their recent raid at a nightspot in Kuala Lumpur, it is sad to see how little most of us Malaysians know about Islam and its rules, be they Muslims or non-Muslims.

Comments aired out are mostly judgmental in nature, undermining the effort and intent of the officers in enforcing the Syariah law on subjects, in this case only Muslims patronising the said establishment.

Based on reports to date, it is acceptable to say the Jawi enforcement officers should have acted in a more courteous manner. To deny those whom they detained of their rights - even though those people were in the wrong - is simply un-Islamic. Respect should be given and those detained should have been treated better.

Nevertheless, was Jawi wrong to conduct the raid in the first place? I certainly feel not. Yes, Islam does promote freedom of choice. Its believers are given the freedom to choose how to conduct themselves, but this does not mean that they shall be free of any responsibility for their actions.

This concept of cause and effect are easily forgotten when talking about freedom of choice. One must bear the consequences of the choices made. Simple as that.

Freedom is an overated word. Total freedom without guidance and laws only serve to initiate anarchy. Sadly, in our society today, we are bias in accepting what kind of freedom we want but are unwilling to accept the consequences of our choices made.

This double standard is slowly rotting away the soul of our Malaysian people.