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Referring to Dr Syed Alwi Ahmad Religious ideals must be voluntarily observed , I would like to highlight his statement: "I fail to see any reason why non-Muslims cannot comment on Islamic law and why Muslims must be forced to obey these laws".

Are the Muslims being 'forced' by Allah to pray five times a day I ask? A Muslim cannot and should question Allah or whatever Allah, his Creator, wants him to do. That I do know. Logic and reasoning cannot be applied when it comes to commands from Allah even though we may not understand the reasons behind them.

Being a Muslim means abiding by all the principles of Islam. All, mind you. Not 99.9 percent. All. No matter what the Federal Constitution says, to a Muslim it will never be above Islamic law.

I totally agree with Moderacy in Islam doesn't include nightclubs . I also would like to add that moderacy in Islam does not mean that we can criticise our Creator or our Creator's laws just because it does not suit our brand of 'moderacy'.

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