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Hattans singing of NegaraKu such a petty issue

The issue of whether the singer Hattan sung the Negaraku disrespectfully during the Malaysia Cup final is all ado about nothing. As the saying goes, 'one man's song is another man poison'.

The question of whether the singer had humiliated the national anthem by his singing would not have been a national issue if it had not been raised in Parliament. Such pettiness

Surely our members of parliament should raise more important issues which affect their constituencies like rampant corruption, abuse of power by the high and mighty, price increases, all which affect a majority of the common people. Not on whether the NegaraKu was sung off key.

With these kind of petty characters dominating our Parliament, no wonder the International Trade and Industry minister could outwit them with regards to the AP issue.

Members of parliament should raise the bar and ask intelligent questions of their peers besides reprimanding them on their shortcoming and giving constructive criticisms.

While we don't expect the standard of our parliamentarians to be on par with their British counterparts, when it comes to question time, the decline in quality has been most depressing.

Most government members of parliament prefer to keep quiet as their rice bowls and perks will be affected if they are not nominated for a second term due to their frankness in addressing the issues of the day.

I think it is about time to give the opposition parties a chance to form a stronger presence during the next polls to raise the temperature of the House during its sittings. The present lot seems to be lacking the enthusiasm to do their work vigorously and only want to warm their seats and vote 'yes' for everything without debate.

At this rate, I rather listen to Hattan singing than reading about pointless parliamentary debates.