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The founding of this nation was based on an understanding that this is a plural society in more ways than one - culturally, linguistically, spiritually, politically and even in economic systems. The constitution allows for Malaysians of all persuasions to find their place in this country.

This has been a factor for Malaysia's continued success, not the Barisan Nasional, but a constitution that has protected the nation from the abuse of Barisan Nasional. What do I want to say?

I want to say that Malaysia, led by Umno, is taking the slippery slope towards becoming an Islamic state. The founding of Umno was based on "Ketuanan Melayu". This obviously does not hold much water anymore. Therefore, they are now using radical Islam to win back Malay support.

We are not to worry about PAS as we know the intentions of PAS. They have stated it clearly. PAS' objective is an Islamic state. I am confident most Malaysians reject PAS.

Using an annual freedom survey conducted by US' Freedom House, we are able to make the following deduction. Islamic countries do not rank highly when it comes to democratic freedom (personal and civil). The Freedom House Report on Religious Freedom states it very clearly.

Read the report further and you appreciate the direction that Malaysia is taking - towards an Islamic dictatorship. Now how do we solve the problem when Umno becomes an Islamic dictatorship?

Demand for a separation of state and religion. A thorough reform of the state and its various arms, including the following:

  • All departments dealing with formulation of religious policies, practises and implementation should not be under the government. These departments are to be transferred to the Malay Rulers Council for them to take the appropriate action.

  • Government allocations for all religious groups be based on an agreed formula. All religious groups in Malaysia are to receive federal allocations according to this formula. The Islamic religious bodies under the Malay Rulers Council are to be administered through these funds and through private donations.
  • When DAP realised that they were not going anywhere with PAS, they backed out of their coalition. All non-Islamic political parties in the Barisan Nasional coalition should do the same back out from the BN.

    Statistics indicates that there are approximately 60% Muslims in Malaysia. This, I suspect is not true. There is probably a 60% of bumiputeras which includes the various ethnic communities in Sabah, Sarawak and in the Peninsular. The religious bigots are in fact a small percentage. These bigots will gain plenty at our expense by playing on religious and racial issues.

    I do recognise the problem that these religious bigots hold prominent position in Umno and PAS and therefore may hold sway over Malay public opinion. Therefore, the most important action Malaysians can do as citizens is to demand for Malaysia to revert to its founding principles and constitution.
