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I refer to the malaysiakini report Crackdown on Eurasian faces triggers furore .

If there is a prize for ministers making the most number of stupid statements, our cabinet ministers would win hands down. They can make nonsensical statements that no normal human being would think of. Not a day passes by when we do not read of such statements, the latest coming from Information Minister Zainuddin Maidin.

He maintains that advertisements are featuring faces which are not Malaysian in nature. I believe he must be out of his mind. Would he care to detail features of faces which are Malaysian in nature?

Malaysia, being multiracial, definitely has many interracial marriages. Naturally, offspring from such marriages would have a combinations of genes from both parents. Thus their features, in all probability, may not resemble purely that their parents' race. If their parents are Malaysian, would such offspring not be considered Malaysians?

Ostracising citizens with pan-Asian looks means punishing them for their appearance over which they have no control. They did not ask to have such faces, much less if they knew that they were going to be born in a country where their looks will be shunned upon.

Since we subscribe so much to Islam Hadhari, wouldn't it be against it's spirit to punish those with pan-Asian looks? Zainuddin Maidin should instead punish their parents .

Already we have so many discriminatory policies, another new one would definitely not be welcomed.