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I refer to the letter 'Malaysia Today': Watch it, BN .

Angry Citizen is the perfect standard-bearer for many of today's Malaysians, who have tried very hard to be immunised from all the 'stress' that is inherent in the political, social and economical transformation occurring in the nation. The urge to dissent under the circumstances is over- powering and those in authority must realise that the pressure-cap on the powder keg rupturing is a distinct possibility, at some point in time.

The current events vis-a-vis bloggers, truly reveal the very ugly side of those who must remain in the corridors of power, totally uncaring of opinions contrary to theirs and will classify criticisms as insults. And, very Bush-like, label utterers of such opinions and criticisms as terrorists. If anything, such opinions and criticisms by the people should serve as checks and balances, be harnessed, examined and utilised for policy revamping. However, it appears that their slogan for the people is 'It's our way or the highway'.

It is what may be termed 'collective dictatorship' that rules the country, with virtually no effective opposition to hold their feet to the fire. And the system has been retained with little modifications, with the ruling component calling all the shots and the 'hangers-on' tagging along. Works well for them, though.

Malaysians by and large appear to have accepted the status quo and moved on with their lives, notwithstanding all the grunts and rants of those who feel disenfranchised by the NEP, which is supposed to bridge the 'gaps'.

However, it appears that some bumiputeras became very, very wealthy while the majority have to resort to daily struggles. But, of course, this topic is taboo and seditious. Believe me, it will never go away and will remain the focal point in most discussions among the people.

Last but not least, the only recourse available is the ballot box, the instrument by which change can be made. Vote wisely.