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I would like to highlight the disgusting and appalling behaviour of certain staff of Klinik Kesihatan Putrajaya. I was required to undergo a HIV test at a government clinic. Being a resident of Putrajaya, I chose to make an appointment with Klinik Kesihatan Putrajaya (KKPJ).

On Monday, July 23, I called at 10am. A female staff of the KKPJ answered and stated that HIV tests are only carried out on Fridays and since the system was down that day she wouldn't be able to assist me. She advised me to call again the following day.

On Tuesday, July 24, I called at 11am. A female staff of KKPJ answered the call and informed me that the person in charge of appointments for HIV tests was not around. She advised me to call again after 2pm. I called at 2.30pm; I was informed that the person in charge was not around and that I was to call back later in the day. I did not.

On Thursday July 26, I called at 3pm. I was transferred numerous times and each time I explained my reason of calling, I was transferred to the next person. After being transferred for more than three times, I assumed the person in charge was again unable to help and I decided to call on Monday instead. I also inquired whether it was true that HIV tests were only carried out on Fridays but was instead informed that HIV tests are carried out everyday.

On July 30, I called at 9.30am. After explaining in detail what my reason for calling was, I was transferred to another female staff. I explained to her in detail again my reason for calling. She mumbled and told me that this was not her job. I told her I only wanted to book an appointment and whether she could fit me in an available slot. She took my details and particulars then suddenly was heard calling out loudly to another person.

A man by the name of En Mahat/Mahad answered the phone in a very unfriendly manner. I was completely unaware that I had been passed on to another person. Below is the conversation I had with this very unpleasant man;

En Mahat: Hello! Hah?

Me: Hello?

En Mahat: Apahal ni? (What's the problem?)

Me: Sebenarnya saya tengah cakap dengan kakak tadi

En Mahat: Iyelaaaa... dia takde kena-mengenaa.. Awak nak ape sekarang ni? (She has nothing to do with this. What do you want now?)

Me: Saya kena explain lagi sekali ke?

En Mahat: Eh... jangan nak marah-marah. Awak ade apa hal call ni? (Don't get angry. What's the problem?)

Me: Saya nak buat HIV test. Saya nak tanya bila saya boleh buat appointment..

En Mahat: Awak datang je la... (You just come over)

Me: Datang? Oo... jadi saya tak perlu buat appointment ke? Boleh datang terus ke?

En Mahat: Awak nak ke taknak hah? (You want it or you don't?)

Me: Saya nak confirm dulu... saya datang ni boleh buat test terus ke kena buat appointment dulu?

En Mahat: Saya tanya... awak nak ke taknak? Kalau awak nak, datang. Taknak sudah. (I asked you, do you want it. If you do, then come over. If not, then don't)

Me: Encik, saya nak tahu la dulu datang tu untuk buat appointment ke atau test?

En Mahat: Datang je la! Saya nak tengok borang tu! (Just come! I want to see the form)

Me: Lepas tu kita set appointment ke?

En Mahat: Tengok la macam mana. Boleh ke tak tu tengok la dulu. Awak datang je sini. (We'll see first. Whether its possible or not, I'm not sure. You just come)

Me: Saya ni bekerja. Mase saya terhad. Kalau En boleh bagitahu bile saya kena datang kan senang sikit.

En Mahat: Senang je. Kalau awak nak, awak datang. Kalau taknak sudahlah. Orang kalau nak mestilah dia datang, (I'ts easy. If you want it, you come over, if you don't, then it's fine)

Needless to say, his behaviour left me very disappointed and frustrated. He did not assist me at all and was not only rude but also insulting. I called again on July 31 to inform him when I will be able to make it. He was not around. His statement ('datangla bila-bila') was as if he would always be at the KKPJ when four out of five times I called, he was never around.

I also enquired of the staff who picked up the phone as to whether 'En Mahad' was a doctor or a nurse. To my utmost disbelief, she told me that En Mahat is a 'Pegawai Khidmat Pelanggan' (customer service officer). With people such as these attending towards customers satisfaction, it is no wonder that most customers dealing with government services are always unhappy and frustrated.

The government has done all it can to improve the lives of the government servants so why can't they be more courteous and polite as they are representing the government. It is an act of disrespect to the public to have people with such attitude working and representing the government.