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Many people I spoke to from Saturday night till today did not expect to see such a drastic shift in the Malaysian elections. But one thing rings true; all of us believe that the people have finally spoken. And the message is clear: ‘Listen to us’.

For years and years, those who claimed to have represented us have not listened to us, and this time, we've made it clear that we won't be ignored anymore. If we, as a people, can go to the streets to be heard even though we know the authorities are going to beat us into submission, it means you haven't been listening.

The only reason the rest of us didn't go out on the streets to protest with our fellow Malaysians who did is simply because of one of the following reasons:

  • we wanted to see if you would finally listen - you didn't. Instead, you thought it wiser to attack us. Us, who put you in power.

  • we hoped that our fellow Malaysians' efforts would be enough to show you that you haven't been listening.

  • we were a bunch of cautious, worried people who depended on you, and waited for you to do the right thing.

But you failed us, so we decided ‘No More Waiting’. We decided as Malaysians that we will take the country back from arrogant, self-important egomaniacs who will rather not debate with your opponents for fear of the truth coming out.

We decided that we will no longer keep a government that would not listen to us - the people - and we decided that it was time you had someone watching you to see whether you're doing your job or having a vacation, airplane (ride), or creating bull with our money.

So while some of some of us get to the task of organising ourselves into a body that watches what you do, the rest of us say: ‘Thank You Malaysia. We have made this possible’.

As of today, you, the elected representatives of Malaysia, will answer to us, the rakyat . Where before you may have not understood what this line meant, now, you better. Because we, the rakyat , voted you into power, and we, the rakyat , can vote you out.

Thank you to all who have helped create this awareness that we, as Malaysians, matter and that we have the right to this country we call our home. And that we can exercise this right and duty in many ways, but the most important, and simplest, was on March 8 this year.

Thank you Malaysia, and congratulations to each and everyone of you.