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Fresh party polls: 'Little hope for MCA'
Published:  Mar 5, 2010 7:22 AM
Updated: 11:53 PM

your say 'Should this be a good or bad news? I regard it as irrelevant for now unless whoever wins the party elections actually stands up to their masters and have their voice heard loud and clear.'

Soi Lek and gang quit, fresh polls it is

Yuvan: I truly expected Umno to somehow keep the 'MCA drama' going on until about the time of the next general election. Then a week or so before the nomination day, Umno and MCA will happily announce that all internal squabbles have been fully resolved, that there are absolutely no issues whatsoever and that they are all ready to face the elections.

That way, Umno would have ensured that the MCA politicians would toe the line and would continue to remain at the mercy of Umno. The fact is that MCA has become an extremely weak and fragile partner in the BN coalition and there is little hope that the party will ever regain its strength and dignity even with a new leadership.

Rayfire: Should this be a good or bad news? I regard it as irrelevant for now unless whoever wins the party elections actually stands up to their masters and have their voice heard loud and clear. I haven't seen that happening for quite sometime now from the MCA.

It is a good thing that now there will be party ‘buy-elections' but I hope members will choose people with credibility and more importantly, with strong voices and representation in government to make a difference.

Find new talents. Perhaps get the party's public service bureau guy (Michael Chong) who has been working relentlessly to help the community. Ask him to consider leading the party. I am sure there are some credible souls left in the MCA. Seek them out and have them lead you. Don't choose from the rejects and eunuchs.

UnkerLai: Irrelevant, irrelevant, irrelevant. Whatever or whomever leads MCA now has no significant bearing on the course of politics in Malaysia. The Malaysian community has outgrown these race-based dinosaurs.

An unrepentant adulterer or a tainted health minister (remember the Alphard episode ) carrying out the commands of the mother of all racist parties in Bolehland will not redeem the party but hasten its demise. MCA chief Ong Tee Keat should join Pakatan Rakyat where his courage and fortitude will hasten the dawning of a new day for Malaysian society.

Tanteo: Hand on heart, does any Chinese care? They (MCA) are only interested in their own interest and kowtowing to their masters while the Chinese are being reminded day in and day out that they are second-class citizens. These jokers in MCA have no shame.

Alexander Yuan: ‘MCA leaders must get their priorities right by focusing on the next general election now instead of harping on the need to have fresh party polls first, MCA president Ong Tee Keat said today,' said a news report yesterday morning.

A few hours later, Ong's deputy and seven central committee members resigned, paving the way for fresh party polls. I guess they didn't get Ong's memo.

Cala: I am not surprised by Chua's resignation. With the benefit of a hindsight, Chua's resignation together with his loyalists' was predictable. The tell-tale signs were all there:

i) Chua's son declined an offer from Ong Tee Keat to join the party exco;

ii) Chua declined an offer to join ‘The Star' newspaper as its chairperson; and

iii) Chua could not muscle up 100 percent trust from Ong. For example, the MCA four- member team on direct BN membership comprises essentially Ong's men;

iv) Chua met resistance in the Johor state liaison committee, a sign of an unseen hand at work;

v) A promise to help pave the way for party elections was made by Chua before the dispute with Liow was only on the timing;

vi) Chua is a human being like everyone else so one has to consider his emotions in that he was unfairly treated by an arrogant president;

vii) Chua had decided to write off Ong as the latter is not a team player. In fact Ong is divisive by nature. See the ongoing saga between Wee Ka Siong and Robert Phang; and

viii) Chua may have the blessings of the Umno leadership.

The Atheist: MCA provides too much entertainment for the country with its on/off irrelevant leadership polls. It must first realise that whatever the outcome, it will not represent the will of the Chinese Malaysian community; in fact it is an embarrassment to the Chinese community. It must also realise that it is at the complete beck and call of Umno.

The only purpose of their election is to set who can have access to all the contracts and dirty money. That will not serve any purpose for the average Chinese Malaysian. Can you see how irrelevant you are now, MCA?

KSN: Does it really matter to the country - especially the Chinese - whether the MCA holds another party election? I was under the distinct impression that the MCA was dead like the other BN partners such Gerakan, MIC, PPP, etc, all waiting to be buried after the next general election. Or are there lots of money, perks, benefits, patronage, etc, to be gained by being elected as an MCA official?

These MCA guys don't understand that the community had written them off as ‘bad debts' at the last general elections.

SusahKes: Well Najib Razak, for every one ounce of problem you and Umno give to Pakatan, something else comes back to bite you/Umno/BN back. And so I'm not surprised at this latest development. Then again, maybe it's a another ‘sandiwara' arranged by you yourself because you want Ong Tee Keat out.

Either way, I couldn't care less. Everything Umno/BN touches these days goes into a self-destruct mode. Just look at the Malaysian Makkal Sakti Party, PPP, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin's blog becoming inactive, your flip-flop on fuel subsidies. And it's only Febuary 2010.

Loyal Malaysian: Let them fight until the flowers fall and the water flows away. To the thinking rational ‘rakyat' the MCA long ago lost its significance.


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