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'Incompetent leaders': S'pore says the obvious
Published:  Dec 15, 2010 8:00 AM
Updated: 3:00 AM

your say 'Even our local rakyat know that. Had the country been run by capable leaders, we would not be left behind in so many fields.'

S'pore envoy summoned over 'WikiLeaks' remarks

Swipenter: So we have to defend those unflattering WikiLeaks cables about our leaders and Umno's blatant threats against the minorities here but it is up to Anwar Ibrahim to defend himself regarding the unflattering remark about him?

LKY (Lee Kuan Yew) is the minister mentor of Singapore and he is not like one of our retired prime minister, who is now a private citizen but seems to be shooting his mouth off so very often regarding government policies, foreign or otherwise.

Louis: There is no point protesting against plain truths. Singapore is just telling the obvious - leaders in Malaysia are incompetent. Even our local rakyat know that. Had the country been run by capable leaders, we would not be left behind in so many fields.

Anon: Everyone here knows all about these racial rhetoric, lousy leaders, and that there has been a lot of ‘fleeing' already from a long, long time ago. Just because it is WikiLeaks, there is a lot of hoo-ha over a simple common everyday matter.

Gen2: Why waste time publicising your own stupidity and keep the issue in the limelight? No amount of self-denial will hide the fact that Malaysian politicians are out to enrich themselves and not working for nation-building.

Singapore will just reply that their comments are diplomatic privilege, so we will just have to leave it at that.

Petestop: Letter of protest, so what? It does not change the perception they have on your incompetency.

Anwar to sue press and Mahathir

Lesung batu: WikiLeaks was saying that Anwar had let himself to be "entrapped' by certain quarters. Clearly though, some people had been setting up the trap all this while, but sadly the trap was very weak and loose.

They did not have any videotape or other tangible evidence apart from some poor, desperate drop-out students letting themselves be used to make up stories. If Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan was the trap, some idiot had obviously forgotten to put surveillance cameras on Anwar as what was done in the case of Dr Chua Soi Lek.

Isa@1penyu: If it involves Anwar, it has to be conspiracy or subjudice. But Anwar has been going around the world talking about his case. Is that not subjudice? Doesn't Saiful deserve a fair trial too?

Just because Anwar is from PKR, he's special and everything is a conspiracy? He must be so great that even US, Singapore, Australia are conspiring against him.

Truth: If Anwar wants to prove his innocence, he should sue WikiLeaks, Lee Kuan Yew and the Australian newspaper. Don't seek cheap publicity and sue our local media and Dr Mahathir Mohamad only. My guess is that Anwar has no guts to sue the foreign media.

Big Picture: It's stupid to suggest suing Lee Kuan Yew or Wikileaks. LKY could deny he said it. Besides Wikileaks "info" is hearsay. It might even be "someone told someone else that he heard someone said". It will never be admissible in normal courts, never mind the Malaysian courts.

Sue Wikileaks? They don't have the money and the founder is in detention. If it's viable to sue Wikileaks, others would have done it already. The right thing to do is to sue Mahathir and Utusan Malaysia for defaming DSAI (Anwar) based on hearsay "info" from Wikileaks.

They can either proof that Wikileaks expose is true, which is close to impossible, or admit defaming DSAI. Under normal circumstances, this is an open-shut case and DSAI could earn millions. But then we are dealing with Malaysian courts.

CarL: If Chua Soi Lek had known he was a target for any reason, he would have stopped his liaisons, knowing he would be caught. Anwar hired Saiful as his ‘personal assistant' and even took him travelling overseas.

He allowed Saiful access into his inner sanctum, all this without concern, when he had many more people he could trust. It's in this way he walked into a trap.

Toffeesturn: With Julian Assange under arrest , you can attribute anything to WikiLeaks, and you can deny anything from WikiLeaks. There must be damning reports from Austrailia and Singapore regarding Malaysia, and must have been revealed.

But to neutralise it, Anwar's alleged sodomy has been traded in. Does that not sound familiar?

Anonymous: Let's face it. Anwar's political career is over. There is no way he can spin this one to his favour. He is now more a liability than an asset to PKR or Pakatan Rakyat.

As for Pakatan, focus on the real issues for this coming elections. Good governance, justice for all and economic growth. Pakatan is not dependent on one person. Pakatan must rise to show that its principles and beliefs are the reasons why the rakyat should vote for them.

No personality, flawed or otherwise, is greater than what the alliance stands for.

Loyal Malaysian: For the legal aspects of the WikiLeaks cables, I shall leave it to the experts to argue it out in court since Anwar is suing now. As a layman, I, too am somewhat taken in by the WikiLeaks info. The fact that the information leaked were all confidential gave them an air of being true.

Yet, one aspect that all of us must bear in mind, especially with respects to Anwar's Sodomy II trial, is that no new facts had emerged. All are opinions, even if they be from the secret service.

Khir: Leaked cables merely 'diplomatic gossip'

Up Yours: Got time to comment on Wikileaks? Better think of your defence, you may go to prison, you know, although the majority of us are sceptical for obvious reasons. Maybe that's why you are not worried in the least, huh?

Singa Pura Pura: Khir Toyo, gossip, did you say? Did you mean that part about incompetent leaders drowning an entire nation in a sea of mediocrity and corruption? Or of murder and high-office? Or did you mean the supposed misadventures of Anwar Ibrahim?

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