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With so many 'glitches', no longer a coincidence
Published:  Sep 7, 2011 9:17 AM
Updated: 2:17 AM

your say 'A mistake or two can be considered a coincidence, but to have 19 similar mistakes among new voters - it is certainly a case of fraud.'

'Postal voters registered under army spouses' ICs'

Kit P: This dirty trick of doubling up postal votes or early voting - whatever they choose to call it - with the ICs of the same people for multiple voters has been an open secret for a long time.

My ex-army friend found out after retirement that he has been registered as a voter under his normal IC for all these years that he was serving in the military.

As far as he knows, "somebody" turned up in every general election and cast ‘his' vote. This can only be done with the collusion of the Election Commission (EC).

Ferdtan: Rasah MP Anthony Loke is right when he said that the mistake is not a normal mistake. A mistake or two can be considered a coincidence, but to have 19 similar mistakes among new voters - it is certainly a case of fraud.

Without the complicity of EC officers there is no way that such discrepancies can successfully pass through the standard checks in the IT system.

When a wrong entry is keyed in, like the wrong name with a different IC number, the system will automatically reject the entry. Who then has the authority to overwrite such obvious mistakes and bypass the system?

Obviously, it is the EC heads who have the delegated authority as a 'super-users' to approve or cancel the entries made in the system. We are shocked by this revelation of so-called 'mistakes'. Heads must roll.

Kgen: Another ‘technical' error? BN has been gerrymandering the seats, made full use of the government machinery, has complete monopoly of the media, abused public funds to offer instant noodle projects, and it has endless flow of money and a friendly EC.

With this sort of uneven playing field, they still need to cheat. What kind of shameless, desperate leaders are they? Even if they win they will still be an illegitimate government.

This is why we need indelible ink - to stop people from voting twice. How do we knock this into the EC's head? The biometric system is useless to prevent double voting for multiple registrations.

Bangsa Malaysia: The EC calls it a "technical glitch". Hello, how many times is this technical problem happening? Enough lah , come clean, there are too many holes in the EC's story. Beware, the rakyat are watching.

Onyourtoes: Hey EC, the Hari Raya holidays are over; we now await your response on all the discrepancies/allegations made specifically before Raya, during Raya and now after Raya.

We need your response on discrepancies found in Ipoh, Penang, Ledang, Johor and now Rasah, Negeri Sembilan.

Zz2XX: With so many so-called 'errors' discovered, can anyone still trust the electoral roll prepared by the Election ‘Con-mission'? Umno can only win the elections by cheating and their EC is helping them. What we need now is Bersih 3.0.

Anonymous_3f6d: We should impose 10 years' jail term for those who vote twice. This is outright depriving others of their rightful voice.

Hamisu: It is not absolutely true odd numbers in our ICs are males and even numbers are female. Although that was the original aim, there are many mistakes. The numbers alone can no longer be used to determine male from female. There are exceptions. Just ask my wife.

Anonymous_4196 So many discrepancies and errors. EC, please clean up electoral roll immediately without prejudice.

The Home Ministry must investigate, give an explanation and take appropriate action. This is not a small matter, it concerns our country's integrity and security.

Not taking any action and down playing this serious matter only gives the impression that the BN government and EC are in cahoots.

Anonymous It is worthwhile scrutinising all suspicious constituencies before the next GE and highlight any discrepancies. We need facts to substantiate our claims, otherwise the EC will swear that all is in order.

Lover Boy With so much proof of dubious practices and the electoral roll has not been cleaned up, what possible chance does the opposition have in the next GE?

Bersih chief S Ambiga, I think you have to give the EC a deadline to clean up the electoral roll, failing which you should call for Bersih 3.0 and preferably on nomination day. With this nonsense going on, the indelible ink is the only hope.

BornInM'sia: If the people in EC are not able to clean up the electoral roll, then they should be removed from the rakyat's payroll.

They are appointed to serve the interest of the rakyat by maintaining a clean and error-free electoral roll, and conduct the election in clean, fair and transparent manner. They must not think that they can play politics with the rakyat.

20121221Disaster If all these errors and mistakes (actually I think they are all manipulations) happened in other countries and had been discovered, those in charge would have resigned long ago.

But in Bolehland, they will continue shamelessly holding on to their posts and continue with the manipulation. We need ‘rakyat power' to get rid of them.

Bender: That these so-called 'mistakes' and 'discrepancies' are actually fraud is as clear as day. The question now is what actions are to be taken by those responsible or are they at all willing to change their fraudulent ways?

I personally think not and it is now an open secret that the 13th GE is just around the corner. Bersih 3.0 anyone?

Fairnessforall: Do away with the postal votes for the army. There is no reason for them to have postal votes as they are not in the jungle or at war. They are all based in their camps and they should be registered under the area where the camp is based.

BN has been cheating for 54 years and they have been using postal votes to cheat. From the number of discrepancies found, either the EC is incompetent or it is done on purpose with the intention to cheat, I believe it is the latter.

But EC should answer why there are so many discrepancies, if they are not capable of having a proper voting system without cheating, then they should all resign and new people should be employed.

Paul Warren: We know what prostitutes sell. But what do you call people who sell their names and their votes?


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