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Perhaps a cow will fall from MACC office next
Published:  Dec 24, 2011 8:57 AM
Updated: 2:20 AM

YOURSAY 'What kind of raid was it when reporters were there waiting for the MACC officials to conduct the raid?'

MACC officers raid NFC's office in Mont Kiara

your say Swipenter: They have already found a willing ‘scape cow' for the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal and this raid is likely just for show.

The political cost to Umno is mounting but now they are trying their utmost to limit the political fallout and control the damage.

Remember what our Deputy IGP Khalid Abu Bakar said a few weeks back that there was no hanky-panky in NFC's financial conduct? Now, all of a sudden, MACC has become so interested again in the case and raided NFC's office.

The fire is getting too hot for PM Najib Razak and Umno to ignore as more and more ‘goodies' are being revealed by PKR.

Women and Family Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil's political life is as good as finished just like ex-Selangor menteri besar Mohd Khir Toyo even if his appeal is successful.

Now prepare to vote wisely at GE13.

Anonymous_3fc9: Reporters camped for hours outside the NFC office before the ‘raid'? What kind of raid is it when reporters were there waiting for the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to arrive?

This is a stupid sandiwara show again. Rakyat, please don't be fooled by this so-called raid.

Lim Chong Leong: This ‘raid but not a raid' is definitely staged for publicity. Otherwise the reporters would not have been tipped off hours before the raid.

If reporters can be tipped off so much earlier than the raid, how about the perpetrators of the crime? It would not surprise me if no evidence was found in this not-so-secret raid.

Cannon: Keep your perspective when watching MACC's clown show. Teoh Beng Hock (TBH) paid dearly over payments involving RM2,400 in political expenses.

He had the life squeezed out of him by MACC's brutal methods of questioning. His MACC handlers attempted to force a confession out of him to implicate the DAP.

If I remember correctly, it coincided with the run-up to the Kuala Terengganu by-election. Which explains the urgency and through-the-night investigation. The MACC attempted to railroad the chances of the opposition in that by-election. With TBH, it was torture, not interrogation.

This time around, with the NFC, it's a charade - a cynical show to deflect public outrage with the general election around the bend. This one will end in a soft landing, being treated with kid gloves.

What we learn from this episode is that a hard kick to the butt gives a quicker momentum than a pat on the back.

Ferdtan: Is MACC really moving in to investigate NFC's ‘cows and condos' fiasco? We thought the deputy IGP had prematurely said that based on preliminary evidence, there was no proof of a crime having been committed.

The declaration by the top police was well-cued and timed - the Umno general assembly was in session - to save the Umno leaders' blushes. On top of that, a top MACC officer said the investigation was a police matter, not MACC's. Was he afraid of the political hot potato?

With such scenario happening earlier, do you still believe that this raid on NFC's office would bring the desired result?

MACC and the police can do whatever they want - until the cows come home, that is - we still don't believe you. There is no more creditability and respectability left to show anymore. It is time to remove such cancers.

AF McLaren: If you were NFC and you knew there was a raid coming, what machine do you buy? Shredder lah ... Remember Arthur Andersen in the US? The accountants were doing the shredding before the raid.

Just in case the MACC doesn't know, you can retrieve deleted documents and emails from the CPUs. Hopefully, this herd of cows are not so clever at zapping the hard drives before the raid. Good luck, MACC.

Keturunan Malaysia: MACC, that's a courtesy call by any other name. Stop the stupid acting. We don't find it any more interesting than picking up a copy of Utusan Malaysia and soiling our hands.

Armageddon: They should have raided the place on the day the Auditor-General's Report was publicised instead of waiting for the public to make so much noise. Don't be surprised if MACC finds nothing.

Cloudnine: When it's BN people, it takes them so long to investigate. They only did so after much ‘hoo-ha' from the public.

For opposition fellows, they investigate even when the story is only carried in the blogs. Remember, without the opposition's cow stories, the Khir Toyo stories and the submarine stories, all these will never come out.

AnakBangsaMalaysia: Wait for the inevitable sandiwara ... a cow will fall to its death from MACC's offices, and with the unexplained death of the only witness, the NFC case will be declared closed.

Onyourtoes: Only taking the files from NFC? Anyone arrested? If so, will there be interrogation overnight?

Make sure the windows are secured if the interview is not at the basement. If it is at the basement, make sure it is flood-free. We don't want anybody drowned accidentally.

Righteous: Ever heard of shutting the gate after the bull has bolted? Surely anyone who has been at the media's focus for so many weeks would have destroyed any evidence they have by now.


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