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Which religion does Santa represent?
Published:  Dec 31, 2011 10:40 AM
Updated: 7:35 AM

FREE YOURSAY 'The priest can show grace to the guests, but there's no need to play up to these Umno politicians.'

Siphoning the oomph out of X'mas spirit

your say Trumpet Call: The whole Christmas open house event in Kajang is nothing more than a political gimmick. There was no reverence for the real reason for the season, which is the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

What amazes me is that churches allow politicians to make use of their premises to further their own ends and worse still, turn a holy celebration into a cheapened version of a stage show. If they want to do this, do it in a rented public hall.

Looking at the national crest on the pulpit, I wonder whether there was a similar demand to remove the crosses as was the case last year. Imagine celebrating Hari Raya in the same festive irreverent way in a mosque. No imam will allow that.

Magic Mountain: It makes sense for a Muslim to have an open house on Hari Raya and invite other races with other religions to attend, or a Christian minister to have an open house during Christmas and invite other races with other religions.

For our Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin to host a Christmas party at this time would be only for political purpose and it would be a lie. Just imagine if MCA president Chua Soi Lek hosts a Hari Raya open house... There would be a hue and cry, wouldn't there?

Joker: The Malay rights group Perkasa and the Department of Islamic Development (Jakim) not making any noise?

You have Muslims, and not just any Muslim but a Malay-first DPM attending a very clear-cut non-Muslim religious celebration and participating in the 'spirit of Christmas' with gifts giving in an event filled with distinctive Christian symbolisms, including a fully-decked out Catholic priest.

You also have corrupt Western influence symbols like Santa Claus, Santarinas and Christmas trees.

Proarte: Was Jesus mentioned in this event or was he banned? Which religion does Santa and his reindeers represent?

Cannon: This was a cynical media event staged for propaganda. Christians who have eyes to see, know it. The priest can show grace to the guests, but there's no need to play up to these Umno politicians who are using the church for political mileage.

They were out to be seen celebrating Christmas with Christians, but they have not admitted, let alone tendered any apology for the grief they have caused the Christian community.

Anonymous_3e06: We can jump on Father George Harrison for what he said and the praise he sang for the RM1,000. The truth is covered with many layers.

The writer of this article may have given his version. He is not a Catholic and maybe he belongs to another denomination or might be a pure secularist with no religion. In this country, we have to work within boundaries.

Personally, if you ask Father Harrison whether he support DPM, he might say no. Truth is something we need to grow into. We all carry lies within us, I think the writer carries his lies, too.

Not Convinced: Anonymous_3e06, the writer of the article is entitled to his opinion. You may disagree with him and by all means, you have the right to rebut him. But to accuse him of lying does little to contribute to our discussion.

Yes, it is good to have a healthy does of skepticism to whatever we read, hear or see. But it's far better for you to go live in a cave if you believe that the whole world is lying to you.

Lone_star: Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, Tuan Patrick Boehler, might you be reminded that you are in Bolehland and must be mindful of how Bolehlanders celebrate their festivities. You have your ways and Bolehlanders, theirs. Have a blessed Christmas.

Chipmunk: What does Christmas mean to you? To me, Christmas is a day remembered of our Savior's birth to redeem man of his sins.

While Christmas is celebrated in many ways, i.e., going for a Christmas service, a Nativity play, fellowship and dinner with family and loved ones, one must never lose focus of our Savior's birth and of His grace and love.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

What the deputy prime minister and the information minister did was to lobby for votes for personal gain. We can never short change Christ for worldly pleasures and God is not for sale. Christmas is about the joy of sharing the Good News to all mankind. Praise be to God.

Sabahan: Christmas, celebrated outside our own homes and churches, consists ONLY of singing Christmas carols.

Cherry Bun: I took exception to the recent practice of religious leaders praising the politicians for their understanding and contribution to the religious tolerance. The praises had more of curry flavouring than substance.

In the present context of life in Malaysia, too much politics have been blended in every aspect of a person's surrounding.

It is best all politics are kept away from religious festivals, which is a time for spiritual enrichment, not political propaganda.

Clearwater: "....handing out token gifts like a medieval lord." Ah, even a foreigner can discern the type of Christmas spirit that lives on in Malaysia under Umno.


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