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Hasan Ali, what about rampant corruption?
Published:  Jan 29, 2012 9:12 AM
Updated: 4:13 AM

YOURSAY 'We need to win these corrupt leaders back to God before they destroy our country rather than fighting a non-existence enemy.'

Anti-apostasy rally in Penang draws 2,000

your say Changeagent: I am not sure where sacked PAS leader Hasan Ali gets his far-fetched and ridiculous facts from. It is absolutely ludicrous to suggest that Muslims are converted into Christianity through the giving of money and gifts like laptops, cameras and cars.

So to cover a lie, he makes another one up that "international Christian groups have unlimited funds". This cannot be further from the truth.

Personally, I know of many churches, local and overseas, that struggle to meet their operating expenses and have to rely on the generosity of its members to get by. They are definitely not in any position at all to be throwing money or gifts to lure anybody into Christianity.

Hasan Ali should be glad to know this. Because if they really did what he alleged, anyone who needs money or a car can just claim them from a church. And this would certainly make his job of defending Islam all the more harder.

Peacemaker: PAS did the right thing to sack Hasan Ali. He talked without substance and failed to provide relevant supporting facts and figures. Anyone can allege anything. However, it remains mere allegation if one fails to proof it.

He is obviously scared of his own shadow. People like Hasan Ali and Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali are the real hindrance to the rise of progressive Muslims.

Wira: "He had been told .... There had also been reports..." and he related stories. In other words, there was no proof of active proselytising of Christians to Muslims. As least Hasan had, in his ignorance, acknowledged that.

Anakpulau: Hasan Ali, why are you so quiet about rampant corruption that bleeds the country's finances. As a Muslim who is championing the cause of Islam, why are you condoning corruption?

Geronimo: Do what the Roman Catholics do. If a member of the church is found to be acting in detriment to its teachings and faith, he will be excommunicated from the church. It is no point keeping such a follower when he has already lost the faith.

In other words, the focus is on quality and not quantity. There is no point having 1.2 billion Muslims in the world when half of them are killing one another to death for not keeping their faith.

Faith is a personal thing. It cannot be forced upon others. It is born in the hearts of men. If Christians, Buddhists and Hindus do not see the need to organise a Himpun rally of their own when they are already being heavily proselytised to by Umno via radio, TV and the print media, why should the Muslims?

Something is just not right, not with the faith, but with the Muslims in Umno.

Nik V: While the crowd at the Himpun rally in Penang was small, it is still very sad to see that there were still at least 2,000 who were naive and shallow enough to believe that the issue is something that needs recognition.

There are more important matters like helping the sick, reaching out to the poor, standing up against corruption and racism.

Is it not better that those who truly believe in their religion to stand up for these more important matters than to be self-righteous and prying into other people's choices?

Trumpet Call: If you are to add up all the people who had come to the Himpun rallies so far, it will come to only a few thousands. This is a far cry from the much touted 'one million' that are supposed to turn up.

Yet, shamelessly these thick-skinned fanatics still go around shouting fiery racial slogans and drumming up anti-Christian sentiments.

But guess what, the more they continue to do this, the more right-thinking Malaysians of all races are going to reject them.

Clearly, these ultras are too blinded and deluded to see this. Pity them but actually good for us.

Not Confused: What is it with the Muslims in this country? They form two-thirds of the population, hold the vast majority of positions in the government, civil service, police, and most other services, and yet they still feel sidelined, insecure and that Islam is in some kind of danger. It just doesn't compute.

Hani: If all this apostasy claim is true, then we have to ask ourselves, are we so weak in our faith that we would convert to another religion just because they offer us material things? And if we are weak, who is to blame?

Personally, I think the Himpun rallies are a waste of time and money. Why not focus on other more important things instead? When are we going to have rallies on women's and children's rights instead?

Multi Racial: In this time and era, when people are more concerned on what is on their dining table, this group is only interested to divide Malaysians using religion.

If I am a Muslim, I will be insulted. They give the impression Muslims are weak in their faith and easily corrupted. Maybe this could be the case for those in Umno, but not the public at large.

Anonymous_4196: Try to win back a person's heart with love and religious teaching, not victimised the alleged messenger. I said "alleged messenger" because Christians have been accused without any evidence.

Christians had been 'bashed' and face 'persecution' since BN lost its two-thirds majority in 2008 - it's as though the government wants a riot to happen.

Muslim friends, I urge you to open your eyes to see that the very people who are fanning religious and racial tension are tattered with scandals of corruption, mismanagement of our country's wealth and abuse of power.

You need to win these corrupt leaders back to God before they destroy our country, rather than fighting a non-existence enemy, who is actually your friend.

Onyourtoes: "There have also been reports that these foreign Christian ministers have resorted to acting, by wearing Muslim skullcaps and attending prayers at a certain mosque in Petaling Jaya to establish a communal relationship with Muslims before converting them," claimed Hasan, the PAS reject.

Look, if this thing really happened, do you think the religious authorities would have allowed it? Didn't you raid DUMC (Damansara Utara Methodist Church) and found nothing.

Hasan, you are just a big fat despicable liar, nothing more and nothing less.

HangTuah: In the late 50s, when I was in my late teens, I enjoyed travelling to the East Coast. I had the occasion to go into the kampongs just for the heck of it.

Whenever I met with someone, I always greeted them ‘assalamu alaikum' and my greeting would be received gladly and returned immediately as if I were a Muslim.

Their faith was unwavering, pure and unadulterated and it mattered not to them that I was a Christian and therefore an unbeliever. They welcomed me.

Quite often I was invited to partake with them a modest repast of tea and fried sweet potatoes. Poor as they were, their hospitality was spontaneous and from the heart.

Apostasy never crossed their minds and they did not need to ‘himpun' here and there to remain true and steadfast to their faith.

There was a Catholic mission right in the heart of Kuala Terengganu and the priest there told me they were left well alone in peace and was never disturbed even once.

Today, things are quite different. What a shame.


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