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COMMENT Hindraf adviser N Ganesan tries to reply to the widespread and growing criticism it has sold out the marginalised Indians. The article is done in a question-and-answer format.

Hindu Rights Action Force's new relationship with Umno/BN: Isn't it a betrayal of the Indian cause?

What is the Indian cause if it is not an expression of the yearning of the average Indian for a shot at an equal and dignified life? Inequality and indignity are systemic outcomes caused by the skewed distribution of the national resources of this country.

The Indian cause is not served by political alliances per se, but by what the alliance will deliver. There is no religion to this, as some armchair progressives will have us believe. The negotiations around the blueprint over the last several months are really all about that.

The Indian cause in Malaysia is best served by a political alliance that delivers to the Indians the means for a better life. If Umno/BN can deliver that and when Pakatan has plainly refused to, what would be a betrayal to the Indian cause not to take it up or to have gone with Pakatan Rakyat in spite of its known negative policies towards the Indian poor?

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