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Best for Perak mufti to hold his tongue
Published:  Aug 1, 2013 9:40 AM
Updated: 5:36 AM

YOURSAY 'The rakyat no longer takes the word of this tainted cleric seriously - remember the near riot he caused in Ipoh some years ago?'

Amendment for conversion 'destroys' constitution

Ipohcrite: Harussani Zakaria speaks from a position of authority as the Perak mufti, but not from a position of knowledge or intellect on a subject of which he is completely clueless.

The rakyat no longer takes the word of this tainted cleric seriously - remember the near riot he caused in Ipoh some years ago?

So, it's best that he holds his tongue or risk further scorn and ridicule. But the again, ridicule can so easily be mistaken for adulation by one bent on seeking legitimacy, right?

Tan Kim Keong: Harussani has the right to his state his opinions. And I too have the same equal right to state mine.

His are very unlearned, absolute bigotry and view through a racist lens. He was the one who called Muslims to stop the alleged baptism of Muslims at a church in Perak sometime back.

But it was Christian children who were put in harm's way during their First Holy Communion when an enraged crowd of menacing Muslims turned up at the church.

Fair Play: If these constitutional amendments as suggested by Harussani are allowed to be made, it could possibly disintegrate Malaysia as a nation and the country would be more divided than ever. Sadly, after more than 50 plus years, extremism is now at its highest.

The problem is not what this mufti has said, but why it was allowed to be said without any reaction from the powers-that-be.

Are these tactics designed to cow the minority communities into accepting that what the majority decide is in the best interest of the nation, never mind the intrusion and invasion into their private space in such matters?

Keturunan Malaysia: Fair Play, you are right. That's where and how our DPM came in with his "Insulting Islam can create tension in the country" and of course, no other religion else.

Black Mamba: Since when did this mufti became an expert in law pertaining to the federal constitution and social contract?

He interprets the constitution unilaterally, according to his biased leaning. He is nothing but a troublemaker to the harmony in our multiracial society.

Holding such a lofty post, his words and actions don't amount to the standing he represents his faith. In fact, he degrades it. I find him abhorrent and a man of ill-intend to fellow non-Muslim Malaysians.

Malaysian 001: I really wonder why the Perak royalty still kept him in this position despite his frequent "pronouncements", lies (Christians converting Muslims) and many more other instances.

He is in the same mould as Ibrahim Ali, Zulkifli Noordin and Hasan Ali and not fit to be a mufti in a multi-religious country. Any answers from the "forever advising" Raja Nazrin Shah as to why Harussani is still the best person for the job?

Or do you need him to be there to show how fair and pragmatic you and your family are? To Harussani, all I have to say is the constitution is for all Malaysians to follow and not for non-Muslims only.

I suppose the concept of fairness does not exist in your vocabulary. These are the people destroying Malaysia.

Swipenter: The constitution is the supreme law of our country when it suits them, and when it doesn't, they treat it like a piece of toilet paper.

They also manufacture the ‘social contract' whereby they justify that the non-Malays agreed to be discriminated till eternity. The supremacists have never, and can never, prove the existence of the social contract anywhere in the constitution or outside of it.

PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad once said that the social contract was a verbal agreement between the various races of our country. What rubbish!

Taxpayer: Without granting citizenship to the one million migrants who are already in Malaya, the British will never grant independence to Malaya, period.

That's a condition precedent for independence and the other important condition in the total acceptance of the federal constitution as written based on the Reid Commission, which was done with consultation with all the political parties, community leaders and also the nine sultans of Malaya.

Odin: Was this not the fellow who banned the poco-poco dance because, according to him, you described the figure of a crucifix when you performed the steps?

Was this not the same person who almost caused the congregation in a church to be attacked by Muslims due to his SMS claiming falsely that the particular church was baptising Muslim children?

He may have committed other disgusting acts, and if he had, I am not aware. How could such a low-life be a religious leader?

When you have such a low-life commenting on the constitution, then the value of his opinion is even less than the negligible amount of hair he has in his goatee.

MM: This mufti is a insult to his faith due to his politicising of freedom of choice as preached by all religions. He is poor representation of his own faith by playing a numerical game to behold his paymasters to legitimise his appointment in Perak.

His verbal monologues in the last few years is myopic and out-of-sync with this globalised and enlightened interpretations by learned religious scholars through out the world and his analysis is a indication of approaching senility and dementia. He must be replaced by enlightened Islamic scholars immediately.

TehTarik: This mufti does not appear to show respect for the non-Muslims. Where is his humaneness? How about the feelings of the parents? I wonder whether the mufti would have felt slighted if the roles were reversed?

He is interpreting the social contract according to his whims and fancies. Any discussion of the social contract should include the major stakeholders, and this includes the non-Muslims.

He is another example of a religious figure, who has no compassion or empathy for the feelings of non-Muslims. His philosophy is that it is okay for the majority to bully the minority and misuse religion as the excuse.

Hill: Non-Muslims are expected to accept changes to the constitution as long it will benefit only a specific religion community? Islamic teaching suppose to be fair to all. I have a high hope PAS will comment on this.

Absalom: The country is dropping down the ranks in education. Serious crimes are getting seriously out of hand. People are living in fear for the safety of families and have to take the security of their homes in their own hands, and everybody is fencing up neighborhoods.

There is an over-dependence on foreign labour and a huge outflow of our money. And there are unknown number of illegals issued with ICs.

But let's not talk about these petty issues. What is important is the 'social contract' and dictating the religion of some poor child, who would rather go out and play than pray.

SusahKes: Once again, where is the prime minister? Is this 1Malaysia, or the ETP is actually ‘Estimate Tak Boleh Pakai'?

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