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Evidence against Mat Sabu, at best, is hearsay
Published:  Dec 15, 2013 11:54 AM
Updated: 9:31 AM

YOURSAY ‘What kind of stupid mentality is this? Accuse someone and then ask him to prove his innocence? Indeed, we have clowns running the government.’

Ministry: Onus on Mat Sabu to prove no links to Shiism


YUNoAnon: Your evidence is at best, hearsay. And since when did it become the onus of the accused to prove his innocence? Why was this not the case with the NFC Cowgate scandal? Why was this Not the case with the Malaysian Ant-Corruption Commission (MACC) and Teoh Beng Hock? Why was this not the case with Altantuya Shaariibuu? It’s selective persecution.


SenyumUnta: Wow! Grade A or solid evidence: Mat Sabu attended..., he met.., he visited..., he praised...! Then many are guilty as found. What ever he does is his own business and his conviction as he did not cause any harm to the rakyat and country.

Whether Mat Sabu is a Sunni, Shiite, Wahabi or Taliban... he is obviously a better and a more respected Muslim than many Umno Muslims leaders.

Anonymous #74021261: What kind of stupid mentality is this? Accuse someone and then ask him to prove his innocence? Indeed, we have clowns running the government.    

Kuala Bear: Albert Einstein said that there are two things in the universe that are infinite. The universe and human stupidity. He also said he wasn't sure about the universe. Thanks to Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi for providing the proof.


Hello: One time the home minister says he has evidence. Another time, his ministry wants Mat Sabu to deny he is a Shiite! Just prosecute him if your evidence is so rock solid! Don't play, play!


SKS: I think the home minister must first prove to the nation that he is not stupid. All we ask is for him to prove he is not stupid and we will believe him. Just prove it...


Homesick: This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that BN is full stupid idiots. Whatever happened to ‘innocent until proven guilty’? In case you are not well versed with the law, Home Ministry, Mat Sabu does not have to prove anything. It's up to you prove his guilt. I would not be surprise at all it, in the near future, these BN idiots change the law to ‘guilty until proven innocent’.

Haveagreatday: Malaysia Boleh justice! The accused has to prove he is innocent! What are the enforcement officers doing? Taking 'gaji buta'? Isn't that a sin as well?

Anonymous #37634848: Ustaz Zamihan Mat Zain Al Ghari in the Malaysiakini photo ties his turban just like a Shiite. He should prove that he is not a Shiite! Mat Sabu already declared that his Islamic faith is based on Ahl Sunnah Wal Jamaaah. You charge him and he will defend himself. What is the problem? Don't forget, ustaz, that you will have to face Allah on the Last Day.

Wira: It's religious teachers like Ustaz Zamihan who gives Islam a bad name. A guy who is smeared with lies and half truths is asked to prove himself otherwise. Is this Islamic justice?

Armageddon: If an Umno member is accused of wrongdoing, he just performs the "sumpah laknat" and he is immediately 100 percent innocent. But when an Opposition leader is accused, it seems he is 100 percent guilty until he himself can prove his innocence.

Justice Pao: No wonder our crime rate is out of control. The home minister and his cahoots in Polis Di-Raja Malaysia are spending most of their time trying to frame PAS leaders and followers of being Shiites. And probably planning mass arrests of them without proof (Zahid's Prevention of Crime Act at work?)!


Pemerhati: It is becoming very obvious that Umno is very scared of Mat Sabu. It would appear that for Umno, after Anwar Ibrahim, Mat Sabu is their most dangerous adversary. They tried to discredit and destroy Anwar by using the farcical sodomy trials and failed miserably.

Now Umno has trained its guns on Mat Sabu and has initially started off by using its monopolised media to discredit him by cooking up all sorts of cock-and-bull stories just as they did with Anwar. So far they seem to have failed miserably and have made complete fools of themselves among the thinking Malaysians.

But then, Umno’s main target are the simple Malays in the rural areas and they must be hoping that their crooked efforts and lies would help to turn some of the rural Malays against PAS.


APA INI?: Using government controls to bully and harass individuals - especially someone as prominent as Mat Sabu from the Opposition - is undeniably an Umno-motivated agenda. Shame on Zamihan for being the government's mouthpiece, instead of a man of peace!    


Isana: Wah, this is better entertainment than what Astro has to offer. Daily comedy snippets from the Home Ministry a la Kementerian Lawak Jenaka, which is ably helmed by its chief Mr Zahid Komedi and superbly supported by Dr Kangkung Zamihan and other jesters. Keep it up, Zahid. A laughter a day keeps the good doctor away. Bwahahahaha!


Senior: Is the Home Ministery more interested in religious matters than in security matters? Is that why the country has so much crimes and security problems? Then, call it the Religious Ministry not Home Ministry... Wasting taxpayers money on religious matters. Use zakat monies.


Dumbo: If the Home Ministry has revealed Grade B evidence on Mat Sabu being a Shiite and holding back Grade A evidence, then there is nothing for Mat Sabu to refute or deny because it is the job of the accuser to prove that Sabu is a Shiite.

What is wrong with Ustaz Zamihan asking Sabu to exculpate himself? This is all a waste of time, to deflect all the misgivings of the Umno government so that the people can focus on irrelevancies, lies and fabrications of the B-End government.


Anonymous #039163649: Onus on Mat Sabu. That's lovely and convenient, the accused presumed guilty until the can prove himself innocent. This way Umno can score big with PAS.

Any strong PAS leader, just accuse him of being a Shiite and challenge him to prove himself innocent. If he doesn't, can’t he be detained under the new PCA without trial act? Can always justify and say it is not because of politics, but for national security.

Umno, you think the ordinary Malay on the streets is that naive and gullible? They are not so, they know what is happening. The ordinary Malays can only tolerate a certain level of injustice. Beyond that, all the BR1M in the world cannot buy their loyalty.

Wg321: Without the Internal Security Act (ISA), they don't know how to take action against Mat Sabu, because they have lost their prosecution skill. They are just like the dodo bird, which has lost its skill to fly.


Vgeorgemy: Umno should get better clowns than these guys for its circus, if it wants to entertain the rakyat...


Tenfold: Pak Mat, ignore these morons. They are not fit to sit at your feet. Zahid is using his new found power to threaten anyone who see through his idiocy. And please, don't appeal to Najib Abdul Razak for some sanity. Najib releases his snakes and enjoys the show.


Kangaroocourt: I also know of a government leader who often meets up with the head of the Catholic Church of Malaysia, and even the Pope, before. He is also seen in public and photographed attending rituals in Batu Caves during Thaipusam.

He often travels to Christian countries to meet with Christian leaders and also professes to admire Christian leaders.

Not only that, he also rubs shoulders with communist leaders from Russia, Kazakhstan and China, too. Let us also ask him to prove he is not a closet Christian, or worse, a godless closet communist insurgent.

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