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Dr M, corruption is the bigger ghost
Published:  Dec 24, 2013 8:47 AM
Updated: 5:03 AM

VOXPOP ‘What about corruption, which is very clearly against Islam? I only hear the 'Sounds of Silence' from him and his supporters.’

Men do evil, not ghosts, says Mahathir

MfM: I'm the last person to defend former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad who has wreaked havoc upon all Malaysians, young and old, but he has a point in his blog posting.

Taking it a face value, it's true, Malay Muslims have a serious problem. But I do not mean that jinns do not exist, it does not mean witchcraft does not exist, they do, they are very real but believing that these things are powerful is what makes Muslims sinful in that regard.

We must only seek help from Allah, not from bomoh, pawang, dukun, toyol or all other forms of jinn and witchcraft.

Armchair Newspaper: It's not non sequitur, coming from Dr M. It has been embedded in the political culture of Umno and Malay politicians to invoke the supernatural, goblins, ghosts, etc, to advance their political fortune and seek divine protection.

This pre-Islamic practices have survived and thrived in the Malay culture. And Dr M has alluded to its obvious prevalence and increasing popularity.

Mushiro: Why talk about ghosts, which Mahathir says are clearly against Islam? Talk about corruption which is very clearly against Islam for which Mahathir was encouraging big time. Corruption is a bigger ghost.

Anak Kedah: Yes, Mushiro is spot on. Why is the old man talking about ghosts? Another 'diversion' from what is actually happening?

What about corruption, which is very clearly against Islam? I only hear the 'Sounds of Silence' from him and his supporters.

Karma: Dr M, ghosts and devils have a significant value in the commercial markets in all ethnic groups. From bomoh to film makers, they were made richer and richer as long as people believe in ghosts.

By the way, one will wonder if such belief or action to induce belief is 'haram' in Islam. Malay films often depict bomohs reciting verses from the Quran to exorcise or ‘chase away’ ghosts.

And such ‘ghosts’ do get ‘chased away’ in reacting to the verses as read out by the bomoh. I wonder if this is 'haram' also.

Lao Kor: If you believe in the existence of God, you must also believe there are ghosts. God is something which you can't see, ghosts are the same.

So believing only in God and rejecting the existence of ghosts is equal to not believing.

Onyourtoes: In the scriptures at least, the existence of devils and evil spirits is acknowledged. But the believers of the Almighty have no fear of them because they believe God is their ultimate protector.

That does not mean devils and evil spirits do not exist. I am sure the Quran and Islam, being rooted in the same monotheist tradition, must have acknowledged the existence of devils and evil spirits, too.

Don’t forget, men doing evil and violence could be at the prompting of devils and evil spirits. That is why many are waiting for God's retribution on those who have done evil.

Ecurb: Did I miss something? Someone just labeled him a ghost?

Isa Samad: Perkasa cannot replace Umno

Ksn: What is the difference between Umno Baru and Perkasa, Umno supreme council member Isa Samad?

Faz: Now, the small subsidiary wants to take over the main company. Perkasa leader Ibrahim Ali must be dreaming as no warlords will want to lose their powers. Let just say, sharing is not their key performance indicator.

SpongeBob: Ibrahim's and Perkasa's first task in the Malay struggle should be liberating the Malays from Isa Samad.

Ibrahim, just ask Isa whether he is helping the bumiputera or enriching himself by giving the Umno privileges to non-bumiputera cronies?

EvenSteven: The truth of the matter is Ibrahim is lost in the woods after the 13th general election (GE13) showed him that Perkasa wields very little influence.

Umno manipulated this NGO during the run-up to the elections making it to do the dirty work whenever they played the race and religion cards, letting them say and do anything they liked so long as BN gets the Malay votes.

Now that the elections are over, the NGO has outlived its usefulness - just as Jalur Tiga (Jati) has - and both are now ignored by Umno.

Ibrahim now surfaces to claim Perkasa is still a force to be reckoned in politics but ‘tai kor’ Umno is not buying it.

His utterances are now largely ignored because all and sundry now see the NGO for what it is - self-serving, racist, divisive and going nowhere.

Well, the mating season is over and Ibrahim can croak as much as he likes but no female toad will come by because they are all now laying their eggs.

Multi Racial: Basically Perkasa is a mere subset of Umno and therefore without Umno, Perkasa is as good as dead. Either Ibrahim Ali can't accept this or doesn't understand. Either way it does not matter because Perkasa is a liability to the country both to Muslims and non-Muslims.

SenyumUnta: Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was installed by the Americans, and later killed by the Americans. Will Umno, which installed Perkasa, kills off Perkasa, too?

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