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We work harder so BN can waste more money?
Published:  Dec 29, 2013 11:16 AM
Updated: Dec 30, 2013 3:50 AM

YOURSAY 'Why should the poor rakyat be burdened further with all sorts of hikes in order to finance the lavish lifestyles of Umno and its cronies?'

Muslim group: Don't fight price hikes - work harder

Appum: PPIM, instead of telling your Muslims to bite the bullet over price hikes, why not tell them to bite corruption? And work harder - we have been working hard and working our butts off all this while. Now we have to work even harder because the government of 56 years has mismanaged this country.


Ever thought, maybe now the Umno government should realise that its policies have failed especially to uplift the Muslims that were the target? Now they shift direction wisely telling the Muslims it is high time you all work harder as all subsidies and assistance will be pulled away.


Tommy: Stupidity at its highest level. Are they asking the folks that stay in flats to start their own animal farm or plantation in their flats or apartments? Why aren't they giving answers how the government should curb wastage that happens every year?


Onyourtoes: PPIM chief Nadzim Johan, you sound like someone who has never earned a ringgit on your own effort before. I think you also sound like someone who has unlimited easy income to spend as you wish.


Has it ever occurred to you that most of the people are already working their butts off? How is it supposed to work when the government has withdrawn the subsidies but at the same time has continued to side with the employers to deter legitimate trade union functions to determine the wages (anyway I doubt you understand me)?


Over and above that, the government, with collusion and abetment from employers, has continued to allow unfettered entry of foreign workers, which has further withered the pricing power of workers?


Even the name of the association you head is a misnomer. Is there a difference between a Muslim consumer and a non‑Muslim consumer? You mean if you are a Muslim consumer, you will suffer less?


You know what, if I could draw an analogy, it sounds like the phrase "let them eat cake", supposedly spoken by former Queen of France Marie Antoinette upon learning that the peasants had no bread.


Hearty Malaysian: Now PPIM is telling its Muslim members to start working for real? How about telling the Umno politicians it is haram to be corrupt instead of telling people who stay in flats to plant chilli, vegetable to save money?


You mean the office and government workers can immediately increase their income by working extra hours or actually working eight hours instead of actually six only (as many civil servants purportedly do)?


The actual inflationary effects of subsidy cuts have been much higher than declared by the government over the years. Do not tell everyone to sell fried banana or mineral water to earn extra income; your ideas are too simplistic to justify not protesting against the incompetent and corrupt government mismanagement. Is PPIM trying to get some funding like Perkasa?


Tiredofsuchnonsense: The point here is not what we should do to earn extra income. Why should such a rich country with all the natural resources and hardly any calamities be so poor as to owe so much money? Why should the poor rakyat be burdened further with all sorts of hikes in order to finance the lavish lifestyles of Umno and its cronies?


Jiminy Qrikert: Nadzim Johan has lost the plot. Oh sure, all the Malays must work harder just like the Chinese and Indians. All Malaysians must work harder instead of complaining about the price hikes.


Then, the harder you work, the more you make. The more you make, the more money you have. The more money you have, the more EPF takes from you to 'help members save'.

The more money EPF has, the more the Umnoputras and BN elite will spirit away to buy property and condos overseas. The more Umno and BN crooks rob the rakyat, the more they ask the rakyat to work harder. Oh sure Nadzim Johan, please work harder.


Bamboo: From the Global Financial Integrity research, there was about US$370.38 billion (about RM1.15 trillion) leaked between 2002 ‑ 2011. With that amount of money the government could finance the subsidy for sugar, petrol and any other things if the government wished to, easily for the same duration.


Malaysia is not poor, the problem is the stealing of public money by the elites and cronies.


Tell the Truth: PPIM, you are a bunch of idiots who have government financial support to con the people to not protest price hikes. Just because you use the word Islam in your organisation, you think it makes you legitimate and so you can tell your Muslim folks to follow you.


What crap! Your people are suffering and you tell them to bite the bullet. Why don't you tell the government to bite the bullet and not spend so much? You are really stupid. Even the Muslims despise you.


Multi Racial: In a way they are right. We should work harder. But that does not mean we should close our eyes on price hikes. If price hikes cannot be avoided then we should accept it. But if price hikes are due to the present government's inefficiency, weak processes, etc that causes the government to waste public money, then this is not acceptable.

In this case, either the present government has to shape up or to be shipped out by Malaysians in the next GE.


Pak Good Teh: These PPIM morons are trying very hard to talk crap with a view to get government funding like Perkasa did.

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