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Why the rush to own black box, something to hide?

YOURSAY 'The truth is more important than ownership. Why is the AG so keen about it...'

Gani Patail in UK to discuss black box ownership


LifeFlier: The truth is more important than the black box ownership. Why is attorney‑general Abdul Gani Patail so keen about it even before the black box is found and confirmed?

Is the truth just owned by the BN/Umno government? What is the government trying to do, hide the truth?


Ksn: Does it matter as to who owns the black box from MH370? What Malaysians and in fact the whole world wants to know is the truth in the contents of the black box. Why is our government. sending the AG to discuss the ownership? Has our government anything to hide if the contents are made known to the world, the truth? I wonder.


Real Truth: Why physically go to UK? We can write or email to request or use the diplomatic channels, if one wants to know who has the right of possession. One can use all the resources which is available online to study maritime laws and international laws. Do not waste the rakyat's money at your whim.


Unless Malaysia has something to hide, why bother who gets the black box. Is there something that can implicate Malaysia? Even if Malaysia has the right to the black box, we do not have the technology to read what is inside the box. Only the manufacturer would have the capability to analyse the black box.


Why the haste is securing the black box, it may take two or three years to retrieve from the ocean floor.


One wonders the haste in which the Malaysian government is trying to secure the black box. Malaysians remember the same AG went to Uruguay to retrieve the jet engines that were allegedly stolen by an army man not too long ago, and we have no news about the army personnel and the jet engine. We hope the same thing does not repeat here.


Hearty Malaysian: Find the black box and let the international experts check it instead of returning to it to MAS . Why the hurry to rush to UK, are we still their colony or has the Malaysian government has something to hide, hence they insist the black box must be returned?


Mytwosensworth: Whatever the international law may be with regards to its ownership, in all fairness, its content belongs to all the MH370 passengers' next of kin. It must be opened and its content deciphered in the presence of all nations who had its citizens on that ill-fated flight.


After all, justice must not only be done, but also seen to be done.



Angel: Why does the AG want the black box? Want to hide something that you know?


KSD: Just what is this government trying to hide?


Anonymous$&@?: Yes, what is there to discuss in the UK? We have already acknowledged that we don't have the skills to deal with the black box. Unless the black box will expose more of Umno's incompetence for the world to see.


Those Idiots: By right, the box ownership issue needs to be clarified but not the contents. The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) should rule that contents of the recordings should be shared by all.


It really smells fishy to me these actions by the various Malaysian governmental agencies lately-  it's like they are hiding something.


Swipenter: The cost of the search and rescue (SAR) operations stands at USD44 million to date already, twice the amount incurred to salvage the black box and debris of the Air France disaster and it is going up every day until the airplane/black box is found.


Firstly does Bolehland have the expertise to open and recover the data from the black box? Secondly who is going to foot the bill of the SAR operations? Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, we would like you to answer these two questions first before you talk about the custody of the black box if found.


AntiRacial: Malaysia does not have expertise even to read and analyse radar data, what do they want to do with the black box? To cover up something so that MAS and the Malaysian government don't need to pay very high compensation to the passengers' families?


Paul Warren: I will advise the world not to trust the Malaysian Umno-led government with the custody of the black box before it is first read and recorded by some other authority like Boeing or any other country.


I am saying this on the basis of our experience and expertise of making things disappear. Like how murdered Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu was not in the country when she was murdered and blasted with C4 not too far from KL.


Or the destruction of a videotape of a MIC/BN politician's sexual misconduct. And many more such cases presumably. The world will be so silly to accede to this claim being put forward by none other than our attorney general.


Why is this so important even before they even find the plane? What are they so scared of?


Doc: It is important that the full contents of the black box is made public so that the family members of the victims on board that flight along with the international community that helped provide assistance to find the black box and those individuals all over the world that expressed their concerns about MH 370, will be able to find out what happened that lead to the downing of that jet.


My concern is if the black box is given the Malaysian government to analyse, they may goof it up just like they have consistently goofed up on every part of this missing MH370 ordeal right from failing to act when the flight disappeared from radar, and not act when the military radar detected the jet had changed flight direction and giving the infamous confusing and conflicting press statements on SAR plans.


Tangan Kirimu: Oh no, Gani again? Can this guy be trusted or not? Remember the Batu Putih case?


Changenow: In all fairness to all foreign passengers, the box should be handed to an international tribunal. Even if Malaysia takes custody and reveals its contents, nobody will believe it due to past inefficiencies.


Retnam: If the black box goes to another country, all the secrets will be exposed.

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