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YOURSAY | 'His departure confirms that MCA is incompatible with courage and righteousness.'

Ong Tee Keat quits MCA, but stays coy on reasons

2 Cents: Until his recent departure from MCA, former transport minister Ong Tee Keat was the only MCA politician that I respected because of his courage and righteousness.

I guess his departure confirms that MCA is incompatible with courage and righteousness. That explains why I have a lot of respect for Ong, but not MCA as a party or anyone within the party other than he.

Analliar: He was a sincere person, with a personality unsuited to MCA. He really has a heart for Chinese culture.

Demi Rakyat: Ong is the only MCA president who had some integrity. The rest, and especially the current one, are useless and hopeless.

Keturunan Malaysia: Ong, I do not know your reasons for quitting MCA and neither do I want to know.

I was a life member of MCA for a long time, but quit some 20 years ago. When you have had enough is one thing, but having more than enough of MCA is another.

Like Umno, MIC and Gerakan, MCA is not the same MCA that it had been once upon a time in terms of values and principles and everything in between.

Anonymous #19098644: Decent people have no role or position in any of the parties within the allegedly corrupt Umno/BN coalition. If you are not part of the corrupt gang, then you will be deemed to be an obstacle to the greedy, corrupted regime.

Tee Keat was one of the more decent people to have emerged from MCA.

Worldly Wise: Ong 's reason for resigning from the party is most probably personal dissatisfaction over some matter.

In order to be kind to him, it could also be wishful thinking to believe that he resigned because he was dissatisfied that money in 1MDB that has not been accounted for.

Fair&Just: The kleptocrat is perhaps not happy with Ong since he allowed the exposure of Port Klang Free Zone's (PKFZ) loss of billions of ringgit and related allegations of corruption.

Ipoh PP: We have to give credit where it is due. Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad, former law minister Zaid Ibrahim and former Umno top leaders Shafie Apdal, Muhyiddin Yassin and Mukhriz Mahathir have all left their party.

For selfish reasons or good, we hope they will get themselves washed and give us a new beginning. Let's wait and see who else leaves the sinking ship.

Anonymous Hotplate: Good on Ong - all other MCA leaders should also quit the party as they can never achieve anything, leave alone do any good for the people as BN supporters.

This is the time to think wisely and sincerely help the opposition parties to change the government for once, to give a chance to them to govern.

Anonymous #01428088: Ong, whether you decide to join or not to join any political party is immaterial, but I am glad that you have left MCA, which is a useless party.

ICAC Bolehland: I do respect him for daring to speak up in the PKFZ case. Maybe politics is not suitable for someone like he.

Dont Just Talk: Ong, you are not born to be a politician unless you know how to lie and to cheat, and above all, know how to polish the top leaders' apples, remain quiet as though you see nothing, hear nothing and speak nothing to the extent that when US$681 million had been wired into your boss' personal account, you just remain quiet and in Parliament shout in agreement (when your bosses speak).

That is the reason why educated and literate Malaysians are not supporting MCA. Like Zaid, you can still play a positive role in Malaysian politics, at the very least honest Malaysians will not spit at the sound of your name.

Wandering Star: Ong, who are you trying to kid? As you have said, you were in the political arena for a good 30 years plus, you have politics in your blood... there is no way you could transform yourself into a 'political monk'.

At the end of the day, accept your mistakes and regret you joined the beggar political party MCA. If you are a man, you should continue with your political struggle to save the nation from Umno vultures.

Remember, you were in the system responsible for bringing the nation to its knees, you owe it to the nation. Also, it is your moral obligation to put things right in our blessed nation.

What is the point of being called a nice guy, when you have achieved nothing? Ong is a nice guy, who was in the corrupt system that has made Malaysia a pariah, failed state.

Matter of fact, your move to resign from MCA reflects on you as a cunning politician, jumping off a leaking ship... possibly to save your own neck.

Ong, your desire to stay off politics altogether has made you a suspicious figure. Have you something hidden in your closet too?

Anonymous_1371947202: You had hoped to be the MCA candidate during the last general election, but they threw you out, and now you are trying your luck outside MCA. Yes, write your book and do not fool the rakyat.

Leonie: That we have an abnormally high number of negative comments from the cybertroopers in Malaysiakini's comments, indicates this event is very important.

Ong should join PKR to complement Zaid's joining the DAP, 'when the time is right'. How can anyone who has spent the prime of his life in politics not want to undo some of his mistakes?

Or, at least do something to prove commenter Wandering Star's last comment wrong?

Anonymous_1390303981: If one doesn't agree with his own party, then he has to change the party or change himself, and that's the right thing to do.

If he still thinks that he wants to serve the people and the country, then there's plenty of NGOs out there that needs you and ultimately, it's what you do and that matters.

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