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Dirty polls? What about past ones?
Published:  Jan 30, 2008 9:30 AM
Updated: 3:52 AM

vox populi big thumbnail Wow, isn’t it good that Dr M is concerned about polls corruption? I am glad that the previous five elections during his tenure were ‘clean and fair’.

On Dr M fears corruption in general election

Ah Chong: Dr Mahathir fears corruption in the general election. Wow, isn’t it good that the former PM is concerned about corruption in the 12th general election? I am glad that the previous five elections during Mahathir’s tenure were clean and fair and that no money was used to buy votes.

Only now is corruption a problem under his successor. But I thought he chose Pak Lah because that latter was also known as Mr Clean. Is he Mr Not-So-Clean now?

This is where the Election Commission comes in to monitor and check that no political party abuses the law. Unless, of course, the Election Commission, like all other government agencies, have all lost their teeth over the last 22 years. Whose fault is it now that we have no law and order and corruption runs free?

Anak Watan: It was Dr M who coined the infamous phrase – Melayu cepat lupa . Go and tell the marines Dr M. It is in your time as prime minister that corruption become rampant. It is your legacy. Do not just point fingers at others. Look into the mirror and ask ‘Am I been behaving myself?’ You make the situation worse for the country.

Subra: Wow! Dr M is finally in love with the Indians. Let me assure him that their frustrations are an accumulation of the atrocities created mostly during his 22 years of rasicm.

On ‘Boycott newspapers, buy no lies’

Charity L: I applaud the efforts of Haris Ibrahim and his team and congratulate them on their launch of the boycott the newspapers campaign. For too long we Malaysians have been lied to and been manipulated by the government. With all hope for at least some kind of independent (printed) media and journalism extinguished by the take over of The Sun and The Edge by Vincent Tan, Haris' campaign is timely and a fresh reminder to the rest of us that many more Malaysians are tired of the lies.

We must show that our voices are louder than those of false reporting. Shame on the government for intimidating journalists and taking away their voices. Journalists everywhere must be encouraged and urged to always write with integrity and honesty.

They must also be assured that the people appreciate truth and honesty more than sensationalism and white lies told in the name of national security. We are 50 years old. We can handle the truth.

On 35 charged with illegal assembly

Devi: Employing hundreds of police from the FRU suggests that the police force is underemployed when maybe ten or twenty will do the job of maintaining security in an environment of peaceful, though unhappy people. Is there a need for the FRU to show their power; for the commander to order his force to be rough?

Is it a law in this country that citizens can protest only if it pleases the police? Not allowing peaceful demonstrations may cause frustrations and affect the peace in the country and the police are making their contribution.

The FRU can command a great deal of respect as they did during the May 13 incident when they replaced the soldiers - starting in Sentul - and showed concern and care for the people. The people felt secure.

This feeling I am afraid does not appear to be the case now with shallow decisions and short term solutions and ‘FRU vs people’ attitude. Use the FRU for productive and meaningful purposes, not to crowd the streets and beat up frustrated citizens.

KC Leong: People arrested for asking for their rights in their land. Detained for voicing out against the increase in prices. Dead bodies being snatched. A monopoly on certain words as being exclusive to a faith. Lorry drivers who have a dozen summons but still able drive on our roads.

What is happening to our beloved country? God have mercy on us all.

KSN: Pak Lah now says that the BN’s power sharing and consensus has worked for the last 50 years. Can you believe this man? What people are talking about now is sharing the nation's wealth and opportunities equitably, getting rid of corruption, cronyism and favouritism, cleaning up the judiciary, having and independent Election Commission, allowing freedom of assembly, having a free press and promoting transparency in the government administration.

Can someone explain this to the PM?. These are simple issues for ordinary people to understand and digest. The PM of the country should also be able to.

On Eusoff: A very big lie

Charity L: How can the royal commission and the PM allow top leaders and public figures to insult the public's intelligence by their blatant lies? I doubt many people believe that Eusoff Chin really coincidently bumped into VK Lingam during his holiday to New Zealand.

Neither would they believe Lingam was drunk and talking nonsense. The royal commission are making themselves look ridiculous and redundant by keeping silent and choosing to accept fabrications.

On Is this all Pak Lah is good for?

Lakshmi: TM Kumar calls on the Hindus and Indians not to be misled by Anwar Ibrahim. He pleads that we should stand with BN. To my mind any Indian, or for that matter, any decent Malaysian, who respects her/his own intelligence and believes in basic human values will boot out BN this coming election.

For the past 50 years BN has progressively eroded the most basic rights of Malaysians. As long as we toed the line and suffered in silence, BN created a picture of racial tolerance and harmony. For the Indians and the Hindus, demolitions of the temples was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Any government that does not respect the sanctity of places of worship needs to be ousted. If we vote for BN again, either we are brain dead, subservient or BN cronies.

Yesotha: TM Kumar said it right. ‘We are what we are because of the current leadership’ - and the result is Indians have been marginalised from every zone of this Bolehland! ‘We are what we are because of the current leadership’? I do not think this should continue.