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YOUR SAY: Do not test the rakyat's patience
Published:  Jul 1, 2008 9:18 AM
Updated: 12:23 PM

vox populi big thumbnail ‘I call upon the police to exercise logic, restraint and fair treatment in the wake of this latest revelation involving Anwar Ibrahim. I do not think that any arrest will go down well with the rakyat . Please do not test their patience.

On Anwar files libel suit against aide

Amir Hamzah Amha: Never before have I been more angry than what happened at on June 28, the date when another police report was lodged against Anwar Ibrahim (DSAI) by one Saiful Bahari for sodomy.

I urge all supporters of Pakatan Rakyat to exercise restraint and patience and not to resort to anything drastic.

Whilst the Barisan Nasional was busy deflecting criticism for the single highest petrol fuel hike in the world - even for non-oil producing countries, as well as denouncing the statutory declaration implicating Rosmah Mansor for the murder of Mongolian Altantuyaa Shaariibuu, a plan was devised to attack Anwar directly to silence further dissent.

The plan was to arrest Anwar and to pre-empt any efforts by Pakatan Rakyat to take over Malaysia by Sept 16 which includes to sabotage the mammoth rally against the petrol fuel hike to be held on July 6 2008 at Padang Timur, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

I call upon the Royal Malaysian Police to continue to exercise logic, restraint and fair treatment in the wake of this latest revelation. Investigate where necessary but do not impair your reputation by kow-towing to the Barisan Nasional by resorting to unnecessary arrests.

Let us leave the disturbing episodes of ten years ago in the black annals of Malaysian history.

I sincerely believe - looking at the results of the 12 th Malaysian general elections - that the majority of the rakyat is hungry, desperate and broke and they all look to Anwar as their saviour.

I do not think that any arrest will go down well with the rakyat . Please do not test their patience.

Yumcious: Seems like we are all letting our distaste for all things ruling-party muddle our thinking on this latest allegation of sodomy.

I, for one, think there's something much more sinister than just a fella being rear-ended. I find it suspicious that this police report was so quickly leaked, and pictures of the person so quickly made available.

This whole episode is calculated to cause maximum embarrassment to the ruling government, especially Najib. Now all the comments I've read so far indicate that people seem to think this is the work of the government.

I know the masterminds know that it is sheer stupidity to launch another broad-side against Anwar, especially when the last one didn't quite take. And the seeming theatrics of taking refuge in an embassy smacks of play-acting.

A blogger called it sheer audacity. I tend to call it sheer brilliance, as it has successfully turned more people, including Umno rank-and-file, against the ruling elite. Now, who would want that to happen? Mahathir? Or PKR themselves? Makes for interesting times ahead.

And no, I didn't vote for BN the last time, if that's what you're thinking.

Jeremiah Liang: The latest news on the Web is that a police report was filed against the opposition leader. At present, we do not know the truth and the details of the report. Whom can we trust for truthful information when there are doubts over the objectivity of the mainstream papers?

Even several blogs can't be trusted because of their political leanings towards one party or another.

However, we can learn from the history of the world - in every political crisis, the first thing and most powerful thing to do is to pray to God that He will intervene for the truth to prevail, for the lies to be exposed, for the injustice to be reversed and the innocent to be protected from the evil that has taken the hearts of men.

So if we read or hear about a dramatic turn of events (such as the arrest of a prominent political leader), I think we should be prepared for a major crisis in the country.

As an individual citizen, now is probably the time to gather our families and friends together in our homes and places of worship to pray as a nation that the next tsunami will be as peaceful and mature as the first one on March 8.

G Krishnan: I imagine you were as surprised as I was to read the news that a police report has been filed against Anwar Ibrahim accusing him of sodomising an aide. I could not believe my eyes.

If ever there was a desperate regime trying to hang on to power, this Umno-led cast of desperados has certainly got to be it. Let's be clear: there is no doubt what is being orchestrated here is an offensive maneuver to counter the pressure being faced by the Najib-regime in-waiting.

You know the expression, 'the best defence is an offence'? The 'insiders' have now gone on the offence, and the game is only going to get uglier.

The fact is, I suspect most Malaysians will see right through this ploy and know that their government is resorting to dirty games again – and again with the veneer of seemingly enforcing the law – to serve the narrow and personal political ambitions of a few.

While I am inclined to agree with Anwar, what I find offensive is the propensity for a few with power to act with impunity and to exploit public institutions and resources to fulfill their personal ambition.

This time, maybe we won't be subjected to a kind of public relations farce where the government would parade a mattress being transported to court each day during Anwar's last trial. But mind you, don't rule out some other theatrics.

In fact you can most certainly count on it. After all, these are prodigies of Mahathir we are dealing with.

But in all my cynicism about this latest twist of events, I feel a deep sadness about how we Malaysians have allowed these politicians to ram our country's image into the dirt. I am mad that my fellow Malaysians felt it worthy to re-elect a group of politicians so transparently misguided.

I am disappointed that we have to endure such gutter politics when there is so much we could be achieving. And then I also wonder about another saying: we get the kind of government we deserve.

Joe Fernandez: Apparently, Anwar's aide was missing for two days before the police report was lodged, according to media reports.

He was sent for a medical examination. What guarantee is there that the aide was not sodomised, during the two days he went missing, by a person or persons unknown, in order to create a fait accompli? Deja vu ?

Will the police report be used to hang like a Sword of Damocles over Anwar Ibrahim's head? It won't be easy to drag him into court again for the same thing unless we want a long drawn out repeat of the infamous ‘mattress’ incident.

What's happening in this country? Why aren't people focussing on managing the economy?

First, we had the RPK’s statutory declaration on the Mongolian bombing and now, apparently in a tit for tat, this police report.

Earlier, we had a bombshell from Justice Ian Chin and Sapp's no confidence announcement. All this could make a good script for a Hollywood movie with flashbacks included!

Everybody is trying to shut everybody up.

23PSI: This latest sodomy allegation shows just how seriously the threat of Anwar forming the next federal government is being taken.

It strikes at the very heart of what is probably the only viable opportunity Malaysians have at seeing a credible 2-party system taking root in the country.

Undoubtedly, some people/parties are willing to do just about anything to prevent the dismantling of the Umno/BN hegemony.

Faizul Zainol: With the political backdrop weighing heavily against BN, they are forced to go back to their old script but with different players or actors. They must know that the rakyat cannot stomach this.

Never will the rakyat be able to accept this, as was forced on them in 1998, all these sodomy allegations. My take is that this action is too desperate.

Desperate situations call for desperate measures and certain losers in the BN will - at any cost - ensure that Pakatan Rakyat doesn't form the new Malaysian government or that Anwar will ever set foot onto the political stage again.

So, Saiful is now being used? How much is this despicable scum of the earth paid I wonder? I am not saying that Anwar is a 100% maksum but to accuse him of being a sodomite again is just downright dirty and totally abhorrent.

It won't work this time as we are in 2008 and we have knowledge of how Mahathir framed Anwar using the AG's Chambers, the police and the judiciary (read the Lingam Tape scandal report).

Against a backdrop of negative public opinion, there is a real risk that if Anwar were prosecuted, many people would take to the streets, which the government may respond by clamping down.

Anwar would be well-advised to stay out of circulation until it can be confirmed that all charges against him have been dropped and that his personal safety can be guaranteed by the ruling administration.

Malaysians must stay calm and stay cool; we must not give the Umno-BN government the chance to declare a state of emergency and a return of Razak's National Operations Council (NOC) era.

To BN, I say make the rakyat angrier as if we are not angry enough with oil prices, inflation and shrinking savings. Any foolish move from the powers-that-be such as this is miscalculated and will only harden the resolve of the rakyat and at the same time hasten the BN's demise.

Eternal Optimist: This whole debacle is disturbing - that Anwar would be so 'careless' to do as he is alleged to have done. It does seem unlikely. Thus, it is not surprising that people are screaming 'setup'.

But, equally desperate it would seem, is PKR's claim that photos of the ex-aide with ministers etc is proof that there is a government conspiracy.

From various reports, this Saiful chap is/was an aspiring politician, and having been a student leader, it's quite possible he would have attended events or meetings where he could have asked for photographs with the attending minister or other VIP.

It's quite a leap of faith to go from that to (and it must be said, without other substantive/ supporting arguments) turning it into 'proof of collusion'.

As a common person, I think all parties should just let the police investigate the charges. If it's all a load of hot air, things will clear themselves soon enough.

Marion Tharsis: A lot of happenings are taking place almost daily since the recent elections. Some are startling and some are ludicrous. The opposition having control of some states, are delving into past mis-managements and abuse of power by the BN state governments.

It is like really kicking-up a storm that went unabated and without any check and balance for far too long. People have come to realise the racial game or intimidation won’t not hold water any more and they are more united in their stand than ever. The people have awoken and cannot be fooled any longer.

You can stop federal funds to Penang and other states under opposition, make accusations and ridiculous reports about the opposition leaders, control and threaten the media, interfere and dictate terms to the judiciary and police who are supposed to uphold the honour of law and order.

You can even use bullying tactics, typical of a police state. All these actions are only going to further isolate you from the people at large and not gain you an iota of support.

A point in question now, is Anwar. Resurrect the old issue which till today, is very questionable with a lot of loopholes. This new allegation is seen as a very desperate attempt to divert some of the more pressing issues that need answers, accountability and punishment.

Quite clearly, it has the makings and ingredients of a conspiracy to undermine the popularity of the man who is viewed as a threat and future leader of the country. It would be very interesting to see what unfolds this time. Perhaps, again, a mattress as evidence?

It is very embarrassing for us and also gives the outsider an impression that our people are no longer safe in their own country and cannot be assured of any protection and have to seek refuge in a foreign embassy.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Bravehart: Where else will they take us? This just proves one point - we need to get Umno and Barisan Nasional out of the parliament. Our so-called leaders are too old and complacent. Politics has become ‘ harta pusaka ’ (ancestral wealth)’.

They feel they can do anything and no one will question. If these people can’t even handle a political turmoil creatively, how can they handle global challenges intelligently?

Enough is enough. Malaysians will no longer tolerate such a blatant mockery of civil rights and an outright bastardisation of the national judiciary system.

Azman Hamed: I was hoping that Dollah Badawi would be different from Mahathir but when he uttered that it is normal for an accused person to plead innocence, he had, in fact, much to my disappointment, echoed his previous boss.

And that is in being cynical instead of being concerned, of wanting to stay in power as long as he wants, of defending tainted ministers and bringing the country into more debts.

What a sad affair this is turning out for me and my future generations. Sigh. If only we can turn back time, we would have definitely have stopped Mahathir before he did more damage.

Nithiyaavaani: I'm not surprised at all to hear the allegation by Saiful against Anwar. After 10 years, again a drama is taking place.

The director and the producer are none other than the ruling party BN to divert attention from the price hikes over fuel and food, not forgetting the case of Altantuya.

I'm thinking that the ruling party is still thinking that the people in Malaysia are dumb? Haven't they learned the lesson of March 8?

Just an advice to PKR - please don't accept anymore new faces without knowing their intentions. I'm sure it's hard to determine who is a double agent but this is the best way to protect your party and also PKR leaders.

It is always money politics in Malaysia. If you could, let us know whether Azizan is doing very well now.

To the people out there, know that there is no more a clean system in Malaysia. Let us unite and change it. We chose the leaders and we can change them because the power is with the people, not with political parties which use dirty tricks.

I'm sure we don’t want to be slapped again and again by BN anymore. Let us unite for our nation and prove that the power is with the people.

On Najib denies involvement in 'conspiracy'

CH Ong: He (Najib) said that the photo of his special officer with Saiful was taken when the 23-year-old came to his office to seek a government scholarship to pursue his studies.

I thought that government scholarships are handled by Jabatan Perkhidmtan Awam. I did not know that the office of the Timbalan Perdana Menteri provides government scholarships.

A Good Deputy PM: Najib is really a man of the rakyat. Why ?

Because he meets up with poor students who want scholarships. To do this, he must find the time and he must really be a good manager of time because there must be thousands who want to apply for scholarships.

What a good deputy PM!

On Rais To Meet Turkish Envoy Over Anwar

Thinker Seeker: ‘We will ask the ambassador to reconsider as it is meddling in Malaysia's internal affairs.’

Well, I'm sorry. But we don't trust Malaysia to handle her own affairs.

We do not trust the police, we do not trust the justice system and we've stopped reading your newspapers a long time ago.

I think it's high time we allow the international community to meddle into our business.

On We Chinese don't need to know what Anwar is or was...

Siew Wah: I agree with the writer that Chinese Malaysians just need to give their 100% support to capable leaders like Anwar Ibrahim, his deputy R Sivarasa, popular blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin and a host of dedicated men of honour in order to ditch the dishonest, inefficient, half-past-six administration of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

We have just learnt that interested parties of the current adminstration have tainted Anwar Ibrahim with another sodomy charge which is a complete fabrication.

The BN administration is sinking and the ‘boat people’ are trying to keep it afloat.

May the hand of justice protect the good men whose names are mentioned above and clean up the mess.