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Think post-March 8
Published:  Feb 18, 2008 9:10 AM
Updated: 8:01 AM

vox populi big thumbnail The trend keeps worsening - dirtier under-counter trading, murkier mudslinging, fiercer character assassination, more money exchanging hands - you name it.

On Candidate, not party, matters: Khir

Ibrahim Musa K: This is the 12th pre-election heat I am witnessing. Like before, upcoming politicians and potential candidates continue to make last minute attempts to get nominated. Everyone thinks he/she would be the best choice and deserves to be named on the pretext that he/she has ‘done’ a lot and ‘voiced out’ often-times for the people.

One thing is for sure though, since 1955, the trend keeps worsening - dirtier under-counter trading, murkier mudslinging, fiercer character assassination, more money exchanging hands - you name it. Somehow I believe the leaders in the early Merdeka years seemed more honest and trustworthy.

As usual, funds have been distributed on time, red-packets given freely, empty promises flying everywhere, and naturally fake smiles and superfluous hand-shakings happen in public all day.

What happens after the politicians are elected? More often than not, they would subtly metamorphose overnight, ready to accumulate intense wealth and great power, the faster the better. What about serving the need of the voters? That is secondary, they can always wait till the eve of the next election.

Lakshmi: I very strongly feel that this is the only chance for right-thinking Malaysians to turn the tables on BN. If we do not do it now, there may never be another time. It really saddens me that all these years many people voted for BN in spite of the atrocities they commited. How did people continue to be duped every four years? Were we so self centered that we did not care as long as we felt ‘okay’?

How could we have allowed BN to ride over us with their false promises? It shames me to think that we continued with our slave mentality and we allowed BN to become so arrogant because we made them feel that no matter what they did, we will continue to vote for them

In this age of the Internet, we have access to more information. We know we have been cheated, right, left and centre. It culminated with our PM telling us on Feb 12 that Parliament would not be dissolved the next day and doing just that the next day. I had enough of lies. I have always voted for check and balance. Dear Malaysians, make your choice for a free Malaysia or follow the pied piper as he leads you to hell and damnation.

Dhammika: The PM is soliciting the rakyat to return BN by giving another mandate to him to administer the country of Racial and Religious Strive. Four years of inaction is enough for the rakyat who has suffered under his rule. If this country is like the other Asian countries, he would have been thrown out . Why another mandate to screw up? Four years of sleeping on the job is enough. He can claim that his performance is good. Who appraised him in the first place?

Don’t get the IIU students to do his appraisal, that is a sheer nonsense. We don’t want another four more years of lies, corruption and abuse of authority. Look at all the shameless scandals. I must appeal to all right thinking citizen to deny BN their two-thirds majority in the coming GE. And if the opposition wins handsomely, be humble and don’t resort to street celebration.

Makkal Sakthi: My fellow countrymen, wake up from your slumber! Take stock of the appalling state of affairs in our country. PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi continues to lie blatantly to the people who put him in a trusted position. It is shameful! He calls for an early election because he hasn’t the gall to take up Anwar Ibrahim’s challenge. He cannot bridle corruption because he reeks of it. He governs Malaysia like he would his household. Listen people, we cannot have a PM who lacks the competence to grasp the fundamentals of governing his people.

There is continued corruption, marginalisation and abuse of power in our country - the malignancy spreading from Pak Lah to his keris -waving buffoon right down to Samy Vellu and all the way down to his peon - because you and I have allowed it. Every accused, particularly Samy Vellu, Rafidah Aziz and of recently Mahadev Shankar, promptly declare having documentary evidence to clear his/her name of corruption and/or abuse of power but no one has actually produced the evidence to the public. We all know no one in BN comes with clean hands.

The ballot paper is your single most crucial weapon. Make the right choice, vote for the right party. Oust Pak Lah, wipe out BN and bring in the PKR.

CJ Chua : Question: what is BN manifesto for this coming election? To fight corruption? To promote human rights? To be fair to all the races?

None of the above. The public already knows all the empty promises given by BN last time. They can never use the same empty promises again as this is like shooting themselves in the foot.

As usual, BN will use fear as their main weapon. They may try to create some uneasiness among the races to achieve what they want. Secondly, they will use money to fish for votes.

The opposition battle cry should be: ‘Help the people to fight corruption by voting the opposition into Parliament’.

Krishna T: Malaysians have a golden opportunity to change our destiny on March 8.

Barisan Nasional has been playing the racial card for so long and fooling us. Corruption and crime have become rampant. Samy is going to learn the lesson of people power. Vote for change- vote for Barisan Alternatif

On Abdullah lashes out at 'extremist' Hindraf

Baskar: Please stop all this bull about Hindraf supporters being ‘extremist’. Your (the prime minister’s) regime is indeed ‘extremist’ as what your government does in terms of downgrading the Indian community is extreme. Before pointing fingers at others, please realise that there are four fingers pointing at you. Abdullah talks about upholding the democratic process so wouldn’t accepting flowers from your citizens come within the ambit of the democratic process?

You had failed to do so. You are the first traitor of the democratic process. What’s wrong in children giving flowers to their leader? Why that need to be condemned? Children are like flowers themselves, so pure and beautiful. Hindraf wanted Abdullah to see something nice in his life but his corrupted mind abused them in such a way which brought shame to mankind. Remember Abdullah, every time you see a flower, you will feel guilty about what you had done to your children. Change yourself before it is too late.

VJ: When Indians were carried posters of the England queen on Nov 25, they were brutally dispersed. Now when they were chanting ‘We love Abdullah’ and carrying posters of our beloved King, they were still treated the same! So what is the message the BN is trying to convey to Indians? Are they trying to say that they don't need the Indians' love and votes? Even Indian children were detained by police. This is a blatant mistake by BN. If Pak Lah had received their roses, the Indians' grieving heart would have healed to some extent which could have turned into favorable votes. One could buy dozens of transparent voting boxes but only love will deliver the votes.

Since the political leaders have shown their ignorance, the Indians will show theirs on March 8.

Arasan: I was on the way to my parents place at Ampang from Kajang. After the toll, there was a massive traffic jam and I noticed there was a roadblock. Instantly, I suspected that it might be due to the Hindraf rose-giving ceremony. I noticed an officer walking towards my ca and as soon as he saw me he signaled to his fellow officer pointing my car. We were ushered to the side, my wife and my four-month old princess were in the car but the officer took a quick look and let us pass.

I was incensed by the whole incident! It was totally uncalled for. The rose campaign was a peaceful gathering comprising of children wanting to submit legitimate demands of the Indian community. Isn’t it the government’s duty to listen to the rakyat ’s needs?

It seems that Indians are criminal citizens in the eyes government hence the justification for the roadblocks. As we left the roadblock my princess smiled at me and my anger evaporated immediately. As parents are we doing enough to ensure a bright future for our children?

Balachandra Nair: Abdullah has rejected the offer to meet a five-year old child and her parent with some supporters who only wished to present him with roses as a sign of love and peace. On top of that, he arranged for the police to attack them with chemically-laced water, tear gas and physical violence. Why? The government has turned the police into hooligans for their ( the government's) own advantage.When is justice going to be served on these ‘political hooligans’?

Nithiyaavaani: Nowadays police brutality towards the public has become a common scenerio in Malaysia. When is the end for all this acts? Arresting children who want peace in Malaysia? Is it appropriate for the police to act brutally and arrogantly towards children?

The IGP should say sorry for his act. He is responsible for this. He got orders from our beloved PM who doesn’t care about children or adults. The IGP should come out publically and say sorry for this act.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to give roses to the PM. The PM said ‘don’t work for me, work with me’. That’s what Hindraf wanted to do. Work with the PM. But this arrogant man didn't want to listen. He is the one who doesn’t understand the meaning of democracy.

Mooshie Mooshie: Who does the PM represent? If I remember correctly he said he represents every one. Has he forgotten that he once also said that he is a good listener. That is why we have always maintained a big question mark over him. He listens with water cannons and tear gas. If I remember correctly all these traffic jams and troubles that have occurred now are caused by his servants. So, to the beloved rakyat just put up a little while longer with it - this arrogance has to stop. Go to the polls, cast your one vote and see what miracles it brings.

Richard Teo: The current leaders governing our nation are weak and lack leadership. A weak leader like ours use force to quell a peaceful assembly when force was not necessary. A peaceful two-way discussion would have found resolution when force would have been unnecessary. But weak leaders have no faith in themselves. They are even afraid of their own shadow. That is why the safest way for them is to use force.

The present govt has overstayed their welcome. Fifty years of an uninterrupted rule is too long for any party to remain in power. They tend to get compacent. It’s time we pass the baton to a new party to start on a clean slate.

Let us not be satisfied with merely denying them a 2/3 majority for then we will have to contend with them for another five years and that will be a disaster. This is a plea to all Malaysians who love this country .Let us not be dupe by this government which has promised us everything but deliver us nothing. We need to change now before its too late. This government has not only lost its direction, it has lost its soul.

JKS: The Malaysian government has committed another outrageous act by using a large number of teargas canisters on participants at the ‘Rose Protest’ which included women and children. The PM must be out of his mind for refusing to accept roses from (peaceful) protesting constituents and children, and for calling them ‘extremists’.

Why were the children at the protest? Because Hindraf is fighting for their future. Their children - OUR children - are at greater and more lasting risks if we let the BN continue its corrupt and oppressive ways. Our children are the ones who will suffer the consequences of future unemployment, crime, government cruelty, religious oppression, social injustice, and simple human indignity.

We need to let our children see that we participate in the democratic process, so that they will learn they need to take their own political fate into their own hands.

Maran: The premier is saying the way Hindraf supporters behaved shows no respect for democracy. Can he explain what is wrong in giving flowers to the prime minister? Why didn’t he personally, or through a representative, accept the flowers? The matter would have been resolved immediately. I feel the way he handled this matter is not the way of a good leader.

How can police use tear gas and acid-laced water knowing children are participating? Earlier the police said they will take all steps to safeguard the children. Both the prime minister and the police did not keep their word. Shame!

Jude: What on earth is the caretaker PM blabbering about? What ‘attempt to instill fear in the people’? What ‘disrupting the election process’? What ‘extremists’? The mind boggles. They just wanted to hand over the roses. If only he had been magnanimous enough to accept them, the problem would have been solved. But no, he had to show his ego. Enough is enough. Let's say good riddance to bad rubbish this elections.

On Bersih PC disrupted, two arrested

Nithiyaavaani: Why are the police not protecting the people but going against them? Malaysians have the right to assemble peacefully in Malaysia so why are the police are denying this to them? Why arrest people when all they want to is to voice out their demands and rights?

What is the problem with the police if the people send a memorandum to the King? They are not going to kidnap the King or turn out to be suicide bombers. Arresting people just because they assemble to hand over a memomrandum violates the rights of people.

Malaysia is turning into a police state. The police should be reminded that they are paid with the people's money through taxes - not with Pak lah’s or any other BN leader’s pocket money.

On Anwar says early election 'shameful'

Dr Raj: I am glad Anwar Ibrahim is not able to take part in the coming elections. This way, he can concentrate of the opposition election machinery nation-wide and not just in the constituency he will be standing in.

Thank you Pak Lah, thank you BN

On Pressure mounts on Samy to quit

AJ: It is quite evident now that Samy Vellu is in a deep state of denial and will not heed the cries of the Indian public to step down. As such, we need to put pressure on those nearest to him, so that they, in turn, will pressure him to leave. In this case, those to target would be the central working committee (CWC) members of the MIC.

These people probably cannot imagine themselves surviving in the MIC without Samy Vellu and thus will never act against him without being prompted. But if enormous pressure is brought upon them – the same kind of pressure Samy Vellu is subjected to now like being booed, pelted with objects and obstructed with veiled threats wherever he goes – then it will be a different story. They will realise it’s better to get rid of the man than to sink with him.

Subra: I suppose Samy wants to rule the Indians till 2020. Any leader, if he's brave enough to call himself one, should be intelligent enough to know when to quit. If you reach a level where people boo and jeer at you but you still feel needed, I feel so sorry because there's no word in English to describe such thick-skinned people. Please quit now and the hatred for you will be reduced. Quit, Samy, quit.

A True Malaysian: The root cause to the issues brought up by Hindraf is that Malaysia under the BN government does not practice 'meritocracy' as once commented by Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore. The government should look at the problems facing by Indians from the angle of the problems per se instead of problems faced by Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Penan, Iban or whatever race reside in Malaysia.

I think the Indians will be more than happy if government can promise practising meritocracy. Let us flourish on equal grounds.

On Law allows useless fathers to get away

Ratormo: For Muhammad Ahnaf’s info, divorce is an admittance that one has made a mistake in choosing a life partner. It is not right for non-Muslim fathers to suffer like this. Sad Angry Mother did not say if she was receiving alimony (she did not say that she was not receiving alimony either). If she was not able to financially take care of her daughters, she should let her more financially capable husband to take care of them (which father who want to give up the right to take care of his kids?).

Is it right to deny her husband of this right? Many years ago she won custody of the daughters, so then it is her responsibility to financially sponsor them. Many children with both parents may not be able to afford tertiary education (let alone go for a tertiary education overseas). So let’s not blame others for our shortcomings. If you want to do something, do it yourself and not whine about your failures.

Muhammad Ahnaf: Frankly, I'm baffled why Ratormo ( above ) is talking about alimony, denial of husbands' rights, Sad Angry Mother's shortcomings etc. Where did these facts come from?

I refuse to speculate on those matters because I am not acquainted with Sad Angry Mother's case - and I doubt Ratormo is, either, unless of course he or she has psychically extracted it from Sad Angry Mother's letter.

But for those of us without psychic powers, the letter raised one simple issue: does a parent, in this case a father, have the responsibility to support his or her child's education even when said child is not in his or her custody?

The thrust of Ratormo's argument seems to be that since the mother won custody, she alone is responsible for financial support. Again, I'm baffled. Imagine if we were talking about emotional support (ie, love) instead. If the mother won custody, does that mean that she alone is responsible for providing emotional care to her children? Why should we distinguish between monetary and emotional support when both are crucial to the child's well-being?

I imagine Ratormo and I simply won't agree, so it's really up to readers of Malaysiakini.

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