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A two-day (Feb 24-25) national interfaith conference to discuss the formation of an Interfaith Commission of Malaysia (ICM), initiated by the Bar Council human rights sub-committee, and attended by more than 200 representatives from over 50 religious groups, political parties and civil societies and individuals, was convened in Bangi despite being boycotted by several Islamic groups .

However, before the draft bill for the ICM is submitted to the government, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi passed the verdict that the proposed commission be deferred and its proponents were advised to focus on interfaith dialogue instead.

Earlier, Deputy Prime Minster Najib Razak reminded all parties concerned to consider the sensitivities of Muslims when making suggestions which could be seen as interfering in Islam-related matters.

The hue and cry against the proposed establishment of the commission has mainly come from PAS and other Islamic groups, such as the Allied Coordinating Committee of Islamic NGOs (Accin), a loose coalition of 13 Muslim NGOs.

PAS Youth is extremely sensitive about the issue of murtad (apostasy) being discussed openly and by non-Muslim groups and individuals. Its deputy chief Idris Ahmad said he finds it ridiculous that apostasy is seen as an option for Muslims under the pretext of freedom of religion.

He insisted that government agencies such as the National Fatwa Council and Islamic Development Department are in the best position to discuss such matters, which touches directly on the sensitivities of Muslims and Islam.

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