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The current prime minister, in his first week of office before the general election and after his espousal of the 'work with me not for me' philosophy, and after kissing his mother's hand as a mark of respect, with thanks and gratitude for raising him to become the political leader of the biggest party in Malaysia went to the Parliament and addressed the august House. He called for the House to raise the honour, respect and dignity of the Parliament in Malaysia.

After the elections, he called on all elected parliamentarians and state representatives to be fully responsible to the people who elected them. He wanted them to work with him and not for him. In Parliament especially, where the seat of the federal government sits, one would assume that the call to be more responsible and accountable would be heard more seriously. The BBC (Backbenchers Club) seems to have heard the call of the PM, but one wonders whether the rest of the MPs have heeded the PM's call seriously.

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