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This morning, Americans in the East Coast that I see are walking around like zombies - most slept at 3 or 4 in the morning, after a night of screaming of sadness or for happiness. I supposed the world, too, was interested in the outcome of this American ritual called elections, I called it a day as soon as I saw the numbers for Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

And as soon as I saw the numbers for the Senate seats. I slept well. I knew what America will be talking about in a few hours from then - their fears. Fears tailored to their skin colour, religious belief, sexual orientation, and a host of others. I was more interested in coming up with questions in my field at the moment: Globalisation, American Foreign Policy, and the shape of American nationalism to come. Questions I had when Barack Obama became president.

Of course, inside of me a debate was raging - political, cultural, philosophical, and cybernetics as well. Questions such as: how soon will the Mexican wall be built? How divided will Americans be, in its progressively worse state? how soon will the crackdown on illegal immigrants be? How much will Chinese goods be stopped from coming into the country?

How soon will each masjid/mosque be under surveillance? how difficult will it be for those from ‘Muslim-countries’ such as Malaysia and Indonesia - today plagued with Islamic fundamentalism - to be granted those different kinds of visa? How soon will those factory-unemployed in the Red States of America be given jobs and be handed back their dignity? how much will the US be involved in the Middle East?

And one strange question popped out: will he be given the Nobel Peace Prize - as Obama was, in hope that he would not bomb Yemen and Syria, too. Obama’s Peace Prize did not make him a president of peace. Nor Obama’s pre-emptive recognition rub on his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.

They went to war, against IS it seemed, only for the American public to find out, through WikiLeaks used as weapons of mass elections, that the Obama administration was actually helping IS. What a letdown. Behind the rhetoric lies the frightening reality of the world of intrigue of spy vs spy, of Official Knowledge and Concealed and Masked Truths.

My thoughts on why Trump won and why it is one the most bizarre presidential elections since Columbus came and massacred the Arawak Indians by the tens of thousands stopped at around 2.30am last night.

I am not interested any more in figuring out why Hillary did not get to be the first female president. Sometimes when I run out of ideas thinking about scientific and cultural and philosophical explanations of a phenomena, I’d resort to what my mother taught me: explanations through proverbs. There would always be cool explanations.

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