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As Dr Mahathir Mohamad looks back on his successes and his achievements for the nation, his recollections are tinged with sadness.

The former prime minister is not blind. He sees a nation which is torn apart. The Malays are focused on life after death. The politicians whom he once mentored are greedy and put self, above service to the nation.

Mahathir realizes that he has one last chance to make things right, for Malaysia. He needs to repair his tarnished reputation and he knows he cannot do it alone. The opposition parties cannot do it by themselves, nor can we, act on our own; but together, we have a chance.

Mahathir's resurgence into our lives, and politics, is one of many ironies. If most of the people he locked away under the ISA are prepared to work with him for a better Malaysia, why not you?

Many Malays live a hand-to-mouth existence, wondering how they will pay for their next meal.

The rural Malays identify with Mahathir. They will listen to him, and the language he uses to weave his magic over them is simple and straightforward. 1MDB has very little traction with the Malays, but the GST has hit them hard.

Mahathir knows that they have no knowledge of money trails, offshore banks or money laundering. These are all alien concepts to them.

Where the opposition has been unable to enter the Malay rural heartlands, Mahathir can.

In Mahathir's time, you rarely heard people in the entertainment world talking about the cost of living. Today, singers and actresses have been vocal about the many hardships of Malaysians.

When the current crop of ministers and senior politicians criticise these celebrities, they make matters worse and drive home the message that Najib is out of touch with the ordinary Malaysians...

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