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COMMENT | Imagine this. You are a parent to a baby. You love your family, but parenthood is draining you physically, mentally and emotionally.

One night, while you are catching up on your much-needed sleep, you are awoken by the sound of your baby crying. You drag your sleep-deprived self to the kitchen with your hungry child in your arms.

Placing him on the dining table, you quickly prepare formula milk for his consumption, trying your level best to keep an eye on him while the milk is ready.

Suddenly, you hear a loud thump. You turn to check on your baby. He is not on the table. Your heart sinks.

You pick your unconscious baby from the kitchen floor and rush your child to the hospital. Upon a few hours, your baby is declared dead due to haematoma in the head.

Now, imagine this.

You send your baby to a babysitter. She takes care of a dozen children for 10 hours a day, five days a week. She is much deprived of a good rest and shows signs of depression.

One day, you get a phone call from her, frantically informing you that your baby is unconscious after falling from the dining table.

You meet her at the hospital, only to find out that your child has died due to blood clot in the head following the fall. The babysitter is accused of causing your child’s death through her negligence

Ask yourself this – how does the first case of negligence differ from the other? In my opinion, they don’t...

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