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COMMENT | Bid-rigging in Malaysia - are you at risk?

COMMENT | The Malaysian Competition Commission (MyCC) CEO stated that by ending collusion in bidding for government contracts, the government could save 15 percent on its annual expenditure or RM13.5 billion.

MyCC is also proposing legislative amendments to incentivise people to report bid-rigging. It is a good initiative. However, under Section 25 of the MACC Act 2009, it is still an offence not to report corrupt practices.

I have been conducting workshops on combating fraud, including those in the government procurement system, for many years. Despite various assurances that the public procurement system has been improved, annual reports by the auditor-general continue to tell me a different story.

Every year, the report highlights cases of procured goods, services, and works that are being paid for well above market prices, under-utilised, and substandard in quality...

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