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COMMENT | Public caning will not deter crime and sin

COMMENT | My wife and I don’t subscribe to corporal punishment for our kids. We don’t cane, slap, pinch, twist, spank or hit them in any way if they do anything wrong.

The reason why I’m doing this is because I am continuing the practice that my parents did when raising me. My parents also did not believe in hitting as a form of punishment for me and my siblings. They never laid a finger on us.

The problem with corporal punishment and hitting is that it only works to create fear in the child, the fear of getting caught. They fear the punishment that comes from getting caught and not necessarily the wrongfulness in whatever it is they did that resulted in the punishment. It would probably motivate them to not be caught rather than not do the wrong thing.

Another obvious fact is that corporal punishment and hitting are the easy way when it comes to disciplining children. Parents don’t really need to think so much because all they need to do is hit the child rather than teach them any reason. If a child does something wrong, just smack him or her. Simple, easy and not much of a hassle as compared to talking or discussing.

Hence, I am lucky to have the kind of parents I have. 

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