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I refer to ‘Big bullies at registration department’ .

The National Registration Department (NRD) would like to enlighten ‘Angry Citizen’ from Malacca on his/her complaint regarding the change of name application for his/her son.

Change of name and correction of particulars fall under Regulation 14, National Registration Regulations 1990 (Amendment 2007) and Departmental Order No 9 /2007, which has the procedure for a change of name.

The NRD pays close attention to any matter regarding change of name and correction of particulars on identity cards.

A thorough investigation needs to be made on any application for change of name as there’s room for abuse and concealment. This also to safeguard the individual themselves or others.

Allegations that NRD rejects an application according to its whim and fancies are untrue.

If the complainant has sufficient proof that any member of the NRD acted in a manner that can be construed as bullying, we will to take stern action against the staff. This has been our commitment as stated in our department policy.

For your information, change of name and correction of particulars can be done in situations where it involves:

a) Change of name and/or religion to Islam where the applicant needs to produce a copy of a confirmation letter from the Religious Department.

b) Change of name that contains negative meanings will be taken into consideration provided they have sufficient proof to present to the approval panel.

The approval panel has the right to reject an application if it is believes it is being submitted to conceal an individual’s identity or being done to affect a change of identity.

Should the complainant have further inquiries, please contact the NRD public relation officer at 03-8880 7077/7071.

The writer is public relation officer for the National Registration Department director-general.

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