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Dear Madam President,

Please allow me to make one final plea to you for the sake of our Party's future.

Keadilan’s current state of affairs, to say the least, is profoundly disturbing and sad. Indeed, not only party members but all our supporters are extremely disappointed by the manner in which our party election is conducted.

No doubt, we had very good intentions when we first mooted the idea of direct elections, where each and every member will be given the democratic right to vote for their leaders.

However, we must remember that we are not judged by our intentions but by the results of what we set out to do. We must do the right thing the right way.

Now, whether we like it or not, the credibility and image of Keadilan is at an all-time low. This is nothing less than a crisis for the Party.

I understand that it is difficult for you to suspend the ongoing party election. However, no matter who wins the contest, we are all losers in the end. Hence, after some serious thought, I would like to make a humble suggestion to you.

Currently, there are many doubts about the integrity of our Party’s electoral process. I believe that if we can show the public that we are sincere in rectifying whatever irregularities, perceived or otherwise, then we will have taken the first step to salvage Keadilan’s tattered reputation.

Hence, I humbly suggest that we take the most dubious incident as a litmus test to show, once and for all, that our Party election is free from irregularities. I am referring to the Libaran results, which shows an impressive but incredulous 60 percent turnout of voters.

If agreed by you, Madam President, I will personally help raise the necessary funds to engage an independent and professional audit firm to scrutinise the polling results of Libaran. With the large number of generous Keadilan supporters who are still hoping that we will do the right thing, I am confident that resources can be arranged to carry out this important task.

If the Libaran results are certified to be free from irregularities, then I will unequivocally accept the Party’s overall election results. I believe all other contestants will do the same. However, if the audit results show otherwise, then a resolution must be passed at the upcoming National Congress to nullify the results of the Party election.

We are now at a critical point in our Party’s history. We must show that Keadilan is true to its own name. Not only must justice be done but it must also be seen to be done.

Madam President, right now, the Party needs you to take charge and lead us through this challenging period.

The writer of this open letter to the PKR president is a party member contesting for the vice president post in the current PKR election.

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