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Bill Dillon in No more 9/11 for US is ironically saying exactly what Muslim fundamentalists all over the world are saying, but o­nly in reverse.

He says: "We know Saddam. We know his evil sons. We know Saddam had WMD capability. We know he supports terrorists."

With equal conviction fundamental Muslims are saying: "We know that America is anti-Islamic. We know that there is a Judeo-Christian conspiracy to destroy Islam. We know that the attack o­n Iraq is an attack o­n all Muslims. We know America o­nly wants Iraqi oil."

Like Mr Dillon in respect of his friends so sadly lost in the Pentagon attack many Muslims across the world but especially so in Palestine have experienced and endured much worse calamities, which they have "palpably internalised" as well.

Muslims, all over the world too " still hear the multitude of wailing (Muslim) families steeped in grief". They too have experienced the smoking American and Israeli guns in their homeland and homes.

Leaders unfriendly to the US throughout recent history have experienced assassination and assassination attempts by US intelligence services; in the same way as others have attempted to assassinate US presidents.

Since the conviction behind these utterances and experiences cannot be questioned, should Muslims of the world too be permitted (if they can) whether sanctioned by international law or not to pre-emptively strike at the US because of the foregoing?

I think not, for the cause would not be just. But I believe that the US should not be so permitted to do so either - nor is its cause now in Iraq just in any way, shape or form!

Finally, may I say that if o­ne 9/11 can cause so much horror in the US, can't Americans like Mr Dillon spare a thought for the Palestinians, who experience 9/11s perpetrated by US-backed Israeli troops o­n a daily basis?