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This could only happen in Bolehland Malaysia. Isn't it a joke that Malaysia owns the tallest building in the world but when it comes to building our own computer laboratories in schools, we are utter failures?

To quote Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, "Building a computer lab is not difficult - it's a simple building but yet they (the contractors) were incompetent."

National Economic Action Council director Mustapa Mohamad hit the nail on the head with the remark, "Building computer laboratories is not like building skyscrapers."

So, what went wrong? The government is now putting the entire blame on the contractors. But is it as simple as finding a fall guy to blame for the scandal? Does everything then go back to normal and hence, the case is closed?

The whole mess is a reflection of poor management by the government. The problem actually began with the New Economic Policy (NEP), established to help bumiputeras, in particular the Malays, to improve their economic standing in multiracial Malaysia.

However, its implementation went overboard and many felt they did not have to strive hard or compete openly to get to the top. They only needed know-who, rather than know-how. Not long ago, too, Malaysians became familiar with the term 'cronies'.

The old saying is true: God only helps those who help themselves. Bumiputeras are not born inferior. They are of equal standing in all areas with other races.

They will definitely become economically successful if they, like the other races, are willing to put in the necessary hard work and effort as the Almighty One does not discriminate against race.

If the authorities do not take a hard look at their policies and rectify the weaknesses, the computer labs scandal is bound to be repeated in other forms.

At the end of the day, the Malays would end up being pampered and become overly dependent on government contracts. In the process, they would lose their reputation and credibility.

Instead of gaining recognition, they would lose more respect in the eyes of fellow Malaysians. They would become the butt of racial jokes.

This is because they receive so much support from the government - a privilege not enjoyed by the minorities - but yet they do not make it.

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