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Astro tarnished by canning programme on plight of Indians

One way our government governs is by dominating information flow and intellectual discourse. The banning of Astro programme on the deteriorating living standard of Indian community speaks more about information censorship than national security. What is more depressing is that such censorship is often requested by political leaders who claim to represent their community.

The government does not deem it sensitive to show, repeatedly, pictures of dilapidating houses in Kelantan. It does not think it inappropriate when Umno politicians repeatedly lament that Malays are still lagging behind other communities. It does not consider it improper when horrific pictures of war casualties in Kosovo were dished out to viewers.

They are only deemed sensitive when it reveals weaknesses of government, and challenges the interpretation of social progress given by government leaders.

I hope Astro will upload the whole programme to the Internet to redeem its image, if not for noble reasons such as upholding journalistic principles and giving voices to the under-represented.