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The move by PAS to ban Muslims from bars and karaoke lounges is the first step towards the destruction of civil liberties of Muslims in our society. Despite efforts by PAS to paint their move as "forwarding the Islamic way of life", in my opinion it is a clear indication of things to come.

Firstly, what is this Islamic way of life that PAS leaders talk about so much? Abstinence from alcohol definitely is one of the tenets that a Muslim should follow. My question is, how will banning Muslims from bars going to prevent alcohol consumption? A Muslim who chooses not to drink will not drink. Whether or not the state chooses to bar access to individuals to pubs will do absolutely nothing to curb Muslims from drinking.

Why is the PAS government insulting the Muslims in this country by saying that they could easily succumb to temptation? What will be next? Banning bottle openers because they can be used to open beer bottles? While my line of questioning may seem absurd, I would not be surprised at all if PAS leaders try to justify it. Just because something can be abused doesn't mean it will be, so please stop insulting Malaysian Muslims.

The second issue I want to take to task is how PAS MP for Kuala Terengganu Dr Syed Azman Syed Ahmad Nawawi, tried to shut out discussion about this issue. Can Dr Syed Azman please show me where does it say that Muslims cannot interact in these establishments? Even if he can show me an appropriate text in the Quran, why can't this issue be debated out?

The Quran specifically allows discourse and statements like the one made by Syed Azman clearly do not encourage talking things out. Why can't we question? Room for debate must be allowed in all public

policy issues regardless of whether it applies to Muslims only or not. The response by PAS leaders to this issue sets a very dangerous precedent - that we cannot question any decision made by PAS leaders if it's wrapped around the framework of Islam. This is wrong and it is against democracy.

Syed Azman's statement also leads to another assumption. The assumption is that non-Muslim Malaysians have effectively no say in policies that affect Muslims. Even if a particular piece of legislation is targeted at Muslims, it will affect all facets of Malaysian life. This is especially so if it is made public policy.

For example, the banning of Muslims from entering karaoke and pubs in Terengannu affects non-Muslims who run these establishments. Surely sales of beverages and food will be grossly

affected by this move. Yet, Syed Azman's blatant labelling of this law as Islamic and hence cannot be questioned is not only unfair, it goes against the very rules of democracy he claims to be defending.

The move to ban Muslims from visiting bars and karaokes is merely an effort to appear more Islamic by copying the moves that many Arab regimes have been pushing for many years. I would urge all Malaysians to reject PAS outright in the next elections.