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I believe we need a strong and credible opposition to keep Malaysian politics healthy. Without a strong PAS or Barisan Alternatif, not even Pak Lah would have been able to check the mounting corruption, cronyism and abuse within the select group of fabulously wealthy, powerful and corrupt BN elites.

Without a strong and credible PAS, Pak Lah would simply not have been chosen as PM by Dr M.

Dr M knew he could rant and rave all he liked at the whites or the Jews or whatever scapegoats came to mind, but he also knew he had failed to distract Malaysian voters from the mounting evidence of malfeasance and corruption that had grown like a cancer in Umno-BN under his rule.

I wish Pak Lah well in his efforts at fighting KKN (cronyism, corruption and nepotism) in Malaysia, and I fervently hope he has the courage, honesty and determination to succeed in his efforts.