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With respects, King Kong needs to get off his tree, come down to earth and get real on some of the fundamental issues facing the minorities.

They, despite being the major contributors of income and business taxes to the country's treasury, are in reality no better than second-class citizens who are denied the perks, special positions and privileges accorded to the majority bumiputeras.

Given that the stark future faced by these minorities is to work their butts off providing for themselves and their children after paying their dues towards the maintenance of the privileged bumiputera upperclass, is it any wonder that tens of thousands of them have over time seen fit to flee in search of a more meaningful and equitable life elsewhere?

Much as King Kong in his lofty position would like to perpetuate the lie that emigrants from Malaysia are willy-nilly taken by first world countries to act as coolies or as cannon-fodder in their sweatshops, the reality is that the emigrants are invariably professionals with special skills and talents that can benefit the host countries.

Like it or not, a country's best assets are its people - especially its productive ones. Any country that does not value its productive citizens certainly does not deserve to benefit from the fruits of their labour.